Chapter 1027 Confinement

"Dongsheng, do you have a younger sister?"

Seeing his elder brother's pensive look, Zhou Zixu's heart moved, and he began to tease Dongsheng.

"it is good."

Dong Sheng didn't know that his uncle had dug a hole for him. He liked that cute little sister very much, so when his uncle asked, he answered with a smile.

No. 12 was picking out the thorns in the fish for Dongsheng, and when she heard the conversation between Zhou Zixu and Dongsheng, her dark eyes looked expectantly at Zisong.

He is so handsome, and he is also considered beautiful, so the child he gave birth to must be very good-looking.

The eyes became more gentle, Zhou Zisong felt it, looked at her and slightly pursed his lower lip.

Since the wife wants a child so much, he will work harder tonight.

"Then let mother give birth to a younger sister for you, okay?"

Zhou Zixu smiled brightly, with cunning hidden in his dark eyes, Zhou Dongsheng suddenly raised his head, looked at him, then at NO.12, and finally at his father.

Zhou Zisong looked at his son calmly, he really wanted to know what the child thought?

"Dongsheng, how lonely you are, have a younger brother or younger sister to play with?"

Zhou Baichuan looked at Dongsheng seriously. For his sake, his son first refused to marry a wife, and later he refused to have his own child. Speaking of which, his feelings for Dongsheng were very complicated.

"it is good."

Dong Sheng bowed his head and agreed, but there was something wrong with his eyes, as if he was frightened.

NO.12 noticed it and decided to find time to talk to the child.

After eating, Zhou Zixu didn't delay for a moment, and went upstairs directly after washing up.

As the name suggests, he can't let the smell of sweat reach his little princess.

Lu Sihui ate confinement meals, millet porridge with boiled eggs, so she didn't have to go downstairs to eat with the others, she ate small stoves alone.

I just finished eating millet porridge mixed with brown sugar, and the eggs are still waiting to be eaten!Zhou Zixu entered the room with a face full of excitement.

"Sihui, our daughter has a name."

When Zhou Zixu entered the door, he excitedly told her that he liked his father's name very much, but he was afraid that Sihui would not like it.

"What is your name?"

When Lu Sihui saw that he was happy, she was happy and asked him with a smile.

"Father's first name is Yuyan, Zhou Yuyan, and grandpa's nickname is Xiaorou. Do you like it?"

Zhou Zixu sat on the side of the couch, took the egg from Sihui's hand, helped her pick it up considerately, and fed her with his hands.

With a smile in his black eyes, he looked at her dotingly.

"Swifts? Swallows in the rain? I like it."

Sure enough, Lu Sihui and Zhou Zixu both liked this name.

She hopes that her daughter can overcome the wind and rain and become a strong person. As for Xiaorou?She really doesn't like it.

"Dongsheng promised to let his sister-in-law have a child."

Zhou Zixu told his wife another piece of good news. Lu Sihui swallowed the egg and looked at him happily.

"That's great. In the past, my sister-in-law was afraid that Dongsheng would not accept it. Now that he has agreed, our Swift will have a younger brother or younger sister in a short time."

Lu Sihui looked at her sleeping daughter, the little guy fell asleep after eating, he was so obedient, she couldn't even play with her for a while.

"I just don't know if the elder brother is capable? After all, he is old and won't be as successful as me."

Zhou Zixu looked at his daughter-in-law charmingly, his eyes sparkling, and it was fun to tease his daughter-in-law occasionally.

"It's not serious." Lu Sihui gave him a blank look, and dared to make fun of her elder brother, he deserved a beating.

"Sihui, I plan to do what Aunt Su said in a while."

Zhou Zixu suddenly said to her in a serious manner, as if he was carrying out the tasks assigned by the leader.

Lu Sihui stuffed the last bite of egg into her mouth, and Zhou Zixu immediately handed her the towel.

Lu Sihui looked at him with satisfaction, quite discerning.

"What did Aunt Su tell you?"

(End of this chapter)

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