Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1029 What is that look in your eyes?

Chapter 1029 What is that look in your eyes?
Over there, Zhou Zixu was driven out to sleep by Sihui, hugged the quilt, and went to the study pitifully.

The bedroom of Zhou Zisong and his wife here is as warm as spring.

"Yanhong, go to sleep!"

Zhou Zisong sighed heavily, his head was covered with fine beads of sweat, he pulled the towel from the side of the kang and wiped it.

Li Yanhong nodded with a gentle smile, put her face on her pillow, closed her eyes and listened to the wind outside.

I feel very happy. My husband is still a person who knows how to cherish his daughter-in-law. In fact, she is also very tired and really wants to go to sleep like this.

She also wants to give birth to a child of her own tonight, which is the lifelong wish of all women.

But can he agree to have a child by himself?Thinking that before getting married, he forced himself to promise that he would not have children in this life with a cold face, and his mood suddenly fell.

Seeing that Swift is so cute, she is very envious. If she can also have a daughter, she must wear the most beautiful clothes and comb her hair the most beautiful every day.

The light in the room was dim, Zhou Zisong was in good health, and he basically didn't feel tired after wiping off his sweat.

Looking back, Li Yanhong lowered her head and didn't know what she was thinking. He grabbed her fingertips, his voice was hoarse and low, and he didn't feel her sadness: "Go to sleep, I have to get up early tomorrow."

Stared at by his star-like eyes, Li Yanhong didn't want to go against her heart any more, and answered honestly: "I want a child."

Zhou Zisong looked at his daughter-in-law, he had forced her before, but that was in the past, now she has always been kind to Dongsheng, since she wants a child, and he also wants a daughter of his own, it's not impossible to work it out.

Looking at the woman in his arms, Zhou Zisong's icy eyes became warmer, like a lit candle.

Holding the quilt, Zhou Zixu passed by the elder brother's door, and when he heard the voice inside, he went downstairs with a bitter face and a sad expression.

I really envy my elder brother, he is so tender and sweet, and he was kicked out by his wife, in cold wind and rain, alone in the vacant room.

Lu Sihui drove Zhou Zixu away, entered the space capsule by herself, and asked the robot to find a way to urge herself.

As a result, without taking medicine, Guangbo stared at her for more than ten minutes, and then the food began to increase.

In order for Swift to eat clean milk, she took another light wave bath and also had a beauty treatment by the way.

Only then did she leave the space capsule, and after the light wave bath, her stomach pain stopped.

After leaving the space capsule, she got out of bed and looked at her daughter in the car, the little guy was sleeping soundly.

Her clothes were wet from the overflowing milk, and her swelling was very painful. She picked up her daughter and unbuttoned her pajamas.

Little Swift seemed to know that her mother wanted to give her delicious food, so she opened her small mouth and began to eat.

Lu Sihui's eyes were reddened by the subtle feeling of the baby being breastfed.

This is her and Zixu's baby, her first child in this world.

"Swift, mom loves you."

When she said this, her unpromising voice choked up.

"Sihui, I've brought you supper."

Zhou Zixu couldn't fall asleep in the study, and came back with the quilt in his arms.

"come in!"

Lu Sihui hugged her daughter, and when she was in a good mood, she no longer made things difficult for Zhou Zixu, and asked him to come in.

"I brought you a cake."

Zhou Zixu smiled as soon as he entered the door, and took out the cake as if offering a treasure. This is his accommodation fee for tonight, and his daughter-in-law will probably not drive him away because of the cake.

When he saw clearly that Sihui was feeding Swift, Zhou Zixu looked at his daughter jealously.

"What's your look like?"

(End of this chapter)

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