Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1040 Not Worth Pity

Chapter 1040 Not Worth Pity

Lu Sihui followed behind Zhou Zixu indifferently. The courtyard of the village chief's house was still the same, and she felt conflicted.

I remember, when I first came to this world, the first person to help her was the village head, without him, the family separation would not be so smooth.

Although, what the village chief did later made her unhappy, but it didn't hurt her too deeply.

Walking into the house, the tangy smell of excrement and urine made her walk out of the door.

"Sihui, wait for me outside."

Zhou Zixu noticed Sihui's movements and found a step for her with concern.


Lu Sihui snorted softly, and took a few steps back before daring to breathe.

Zhou Zixu was originally a person with a slight obsession with cleanliness, but after having a daughter, he was reluctant to let his wife do the dirty work of changing diapers and washing diapers. As time passed, he became more skinny.

The smell in the room was so strong that he just held his breath.

Zhao Jinchen is usually not heart-warming, but today he was in a bad mood. He drank too much wine and entered the door unprepared. Suddenly smelling the pungent smell, he turned around and ran out, squatting under the tree in the yard, vomiting profusely.

"Big brother."

Zhao Jinchuan hurried over to support him. At the beginning, he vomited countless times about the smell. Now that he has immunity, he can choose to ignore it.

"Make sober soup for your elder brother, I'm here!"

Zhou Zixu sent him away, and patted Zhao Jinchen's back vigorously with his big hand.

"When did you become heartier than me? I didn't even vomit!"

At this time, he still couldn't forget to tease Zhao Jinchen, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, but his heart was sour.

Lu Sihui's brows were furrowed even tighter, and she stirred vigorously with her hands, but she hadn't made a final decision yet.

Watching Zhao Jinchen staggeringly being helped into the room by Zhou Zixu, his painful face was distorted.


Lu Sihui let out a long breath, and made a decision in her heart.

It's not for that Zhao Yuying, but just to make the village chief and his wife, and Zhao Jinchen less tortured.

Zhou Zixu helped Zhao Jinchen into the house, and Zhao Yaozu and his wife had already got up and put on their clothes.

"Uncle, auntie."

Zhou Zixu held his breath, instead of looking at Zhao Yuying on the kang, he greeted Zhao Yaozu and his wife.

"Zixu is here, let's sit in that room! This room smells too strong."

Zhao Yaozu let him go to Westinghouse.

Zhou Zixu smiled and refused, "Uncle, my wife is still waiting for me outside! Jin Chen is not in a good mood, please take care of your elders."

Zhao Jinchen lowered his head and seemed to be asleep.

"Oh, sorry for my son."

Zhao Yaozu sighed, Zhou Zixu handed the person over to him, and persuaded Jin Chen in a low voice: "Jin Chen, I want to open something, now that I've decided, don't be sad, it's a good thing to be able to work in the public security system, professional counterparts, the same is true." serve the people."

Zhao Jinchen raised his head abruptly, stared at Zixu with his dark and deep eyes, and smiled wryly at the corner of his mouth: "Goodbye, old friend."


This old station friend, this goodbye, almost brought Zixu's tears to tears.

He hurriedly agreed, turned and left.

If he stays any longer, he will suffer even more.

"Zixu, Zixu, I love you"

A voice like a magic voice came from the room, and Lu Sihui's face changed drastically. The decision she just made was overturned by her.

"Let's go!"

Zhou Zixu shuddered when he heard Zhao Yuying's cry, he was so terrified, even more terrifying than a ghost.

He took his wife's hand and strode away, unwilling to stay for a minute.

"Sister, this is crazy."

Zhao Jinchen looked up at the kang, Zhao Yuying was covered with a quilt, the quilt was flat, she was skinny, how long could she live?

(End of this chapter)

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