Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1044 Wife, am I ugly?

Chapter 1044 Wife, am I ugly?
"What do you think?"

Zhou Zixu's handsome face suddenly magnified in front of Lu Sihui, startling her who was in deep thought.

"Don't you know that you are ugly? Why are you so close?"

Lu Sihui gave Zhou Zixu another look.


It hurt my pride
"Daughter-in-law, am I ugly? It's time for you to wear glasses."

Zhou Zixu grabbed Lu Sihui's shoulders solemnly, and discussed with her seriously whether she had eye problems.

"See clearly, is your husband handsome or not?"

Zhou Zixu's eagerness to hear his praise made Lu Sihui feel amused.

"Leader Zhou, don't you think this question is naive?"

Lu Sihui raised her beautiful chin slightly, and there was a smile hidden in her rippling black eyes.

She actually likes Zhou Zixu's occasional coquetry with herself.

When Zixu was in the work unit, he was domineering and ruthless, decisive, and when he was alone with him, he was like a pistachio, always making her feel at ease physically and mentally.

"Stop it."

Smiling and patting his chest, he planned to continue walking.

Zhou Zixu smiled mischievously, took Sihui's hand behind his back, and led her to press the road.

People are walking under the street lights, brighten the place, and look good.

He is good, where is the dark, where to go with Sihui.

Lu Sihui just let him go and liked the feeling of walking hand in hand with him like this.

I feel very peaceful in my heart, and I don't feel tired after walking like this for a lifetime with him.

"Sihui, look there are flowers over there."

Zhou Zixu took his wife to the most secluded southeast corner of the family building. There was an abandoned flower bed here. No one planted flowers, but he could grow various flowers every year.

The breeze blows, and the fragrance of flowers lingers.

Lu Sihui followed his fingers to look over, this is a corner, the street lamps are far away, the dense branches block the moonlight in the sky, only the mottled moonlight can visit this deserted flower bed.

It is because of this that I don't look down on the flowers in the flower bed at all, it is just pitch black.

"Let's go! It's dark in here."

Lu Sihui withdrew her gaze lightly, Zi Xu judged based on the fragrance of the flowers, right?
"Don't go, it's so nice here, no one can disturb us."

The smile on the corner of Zhou Zixu's mouth deepened, and he took her hand and walked to the flower bed.

Getting closer, Zhou Zixu strode up to the flower bed when he saw the flowers struggling to compete with the grass for space.His eyesight is very good, and he quickly picked a handful. Lu Sihui stood aside and looked at him quietly.

The sound of crickets came one after another, and occasionally there was the cooing of owls in the forest.

She looked up at the sky, it was almost the fifteenth day of August, the moon in the sky seemed to be a little clearer than usual, and a faint radiance sprinkled on Zhou Zixu's body.

He seemed so engrossed, as if he were examining guns.

Lu Sihui is not a person who likes flowers very much, so she didn't step forward to help.

After Zhou Zixu had picked all the flowers he wanted, he pulled Sihui to sit by the flower bed.

"not going home?"

Lu Sihui asked him in surprise, Zhou Zixu smiled at her mysteriously.

"Sihui, close your eyes, I will tell you to open them and then open them again."

"Don't make trouble, it's time to go back."

Lu Sihui glared at him, she must have wanted to attack and kiss her, she didn't give him a chance.

"Hey, close your eyes, I'll surprise you."

Zhou Zixu kissed the tip of her nose, stretched out his big hand with a smile, and closed her eyelids.

Lu Sihui felt weird in her heart, but luckily she was sitting, if lying down
Well!Don't even think about it, lest you feel cold.

Zhou Zixu took a dagger to cut off the flower heel, and then began to get busy nervously.

"Daughter-in-law, open your eyes and see if you like it?"

(End of this chapter)

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