Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1046 I Made It Myself

Chapter 1046 I Made It Myself

Lu Sihui beat him with small fists at first, but then she simply gave up, let him alone!

Zhou Zixu looked at Sihui with a smirk, the wreath on her head had already fallen into the flower bed, but none of them noticed.

Bending down to pick it up, put it on her head again: "I made it by myself, why don't you cherish it?"

"It was you who knocked it off, and it's up to me?"

Lu Sihui pouted, is there anyone such a rascal?Beat it up.

The smile in Zhou Zixu's eyes was even stronger. If he wasn't wearing this uniform, but there were people around, he would definitely not let go of this beautiful moment.

"go home!"

Zhou Zixu looked at his daughter-in-law wearing a wreath and let go of her distractedly, and raised her hand to help fix her half-length hair.

Because he likes long hair, Lu Sihui's daughter has already started to grow her hair in order to please herself.

This point is her love for herself, and Zhou Zixu feels very happy.


Lu Sihui still couldn't finish it, she looked at his thin chun reluctantly, did she bite him just now?
Why do you feel that his penis is thicker than usual?
"Little bastard."

Seeing Lu Sihui's stupid look, Zhou Zixu smiled in satisfaction, stretched out his index finger and tapped the tip of her nose, and happily called her a little villain.

"I'm the villain, you're the devil."

Lu Sihui stared at him dissatisfied, and refused to give in at all.

"Okay, I'm the devil, and I love you little villain."

Zhou Zixu smiled even more, stretched out his long arms, and hugged the emotional little villain in his arms.

The big hand patted gently, as if coaxing a child.

I suddenly felt that although it couldn't make people's blood boil, it was not bad.

Keeping her in his heart is like owning the whole world. He is very satisfied, and God treats him well.

Lu Sihui nestled in his heart honestly, every time she was upset, as long as she could lean on his heart, smell his breath, and listen to his strong heartbeat, she would feel calm and at ease.

The two sat like this, neither of them mentioned leaving.

"Who's there?"

A flashlight flashed across, and the patrolling guard found them, and gave a cold reprimand, and the flashlight shone on the two of them.

Zhou Zixu let go of Lu Sihui calmly, took her hand and stood up, ignored the guard, smiled at his wife and said, "Go back!"

Seeing that it was Zhou Zixu, the other party hurriedly saluted him: "Hi Captain Zhou."

Is there anyone in the hospital who doesn't know Zhou Zixu?That's a celebrity in their academy, an idol in the hearts of comrades.

The guard's voice was full of excitement, so his idol is so romantic, and he brought a woman to this waste flower bed for a date in the middle of the night?


Zhou Zixu shot a cold gaze over, with dissatisfaction in his voice.

It's rare for me and my wife to live a two-person world here, and I was mixed up by this kid.

Feeling the coercion from Zhou Zixu, the guard trembled in fright, and forced a smile: "Captain, you continue, I didn't see anything."

He wanted to run away after speaking, and if he stayed here, he would be frozen to death by Zhou Zixu's gaze.


Zhou Zixu called him, what do you want to continue?
"What's your name?"

He walked over with majestic steps, looked down at the guard, his cold voice could not hear any emotion, but the air pressure emanating from his body made the little comrade unable to breathe.

"Wang Youcai."

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, he answered cautiously, and looked at Zhou Zixu with uneasy eyes, don't you want to settle accounts with yourself after Qiuhou?
Lu Sihui looked at Wang Youcai calmly, what did Zixu want to do?She guessed it.

(End of this chapter)

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