Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1051 Tonight is a Dangerous Period

Chapter 1051 Tonight is a Dangerous Period
NO.12 Hemorrhage, the situation is very dangerous, the doctor tried his best to rescue her, if there is no such strong blood support, the plan of hysterectomy will be taken immediately, but seeing that she is so young and has never given birth, the doctor can't bear it.

Lu Sihui's blood type was wrong, so she couldn't get a blood transfusion at all, so she could only accompany her outside the operating room to wait for the result.

She wanted to use the robot very much, but there were too many people around her, and it was difficult to guarantee that she would not be discovered.

Zhou Zisong lost his former composure, and walked back and forth in the corridor with big strides, unable to sit down at all.

Zhou Zixu has been by his elder brother's side all the time, he understands his feelings.

When Sihui gave birth, he had already experienced it, and he never wanted to experience it again in his life.

More than an hour later, the lights in the operating room went out, and Zhou Zisong was the first to rush to the door of the operating room.

"The patient's life is not in danger for the time being, but tonight is a dangerous period and must be spent in the intensive care unit."

The doctor came out and briefly explained the condition. It is because the fertility of NO.12 was preserved and the hysterectomy was not performed, so there is a certain danger.

It is easy to bleed again, so the doctor is also worried

The friends who came for the blood transfusion were all waiting outside the hospital. These were not enough, and people from Zhou Zisong's unit could rush over at any time.

"Thank you."

Zhou Zisong saluted the doctor with a low voice, which sounded sad.

"Brother, it's okay."

Zhou Zixu went to comfort his eldest brother, while Lu Sihui stared at the emergency room. Since it was dangerous, she would stay at night, but Zhou Zisong could not be left here.

"Brother, I will take care of my sister-in-law tonight."

Seeing NO.12 being pushed out of the operating room, Lu Sihui volunteered.

"No, I want to take care of her."

Zhou Zisong stared at the paper-white daughter-in-law, and refused Lu Sihui's request without even thinking about it.

At this time, he must be with his wife.

Lu Sihui frowned and looked at him, anxious, didn't he just add to the trouble?
But as a husband, his actions are commendable, at least better than being indifferent before.

In the end, Zhou Zisong never left his wife, so Lu Sihui had to go home with Zhou Zixu.
At the entrance of the hospital, friends were waiting for orders, Zhou Zixu went out to send them back to work first.

It was already midnight when the two of them got home, and almost everyone in the family building turned off the lights to sleep, only his house was still lit.

"Daddy isn't asleep yet."

Lu Sihui said something softly.

"It's strange to be able to fall asleep."

Zhou Zixu sighed, opened the door and got out of the car.

In the room, Zhou Baichuan and his father sat on the sofa and waited. As time passed, the two became more and more anxious. Just as they were about to go to the hospital, the door opened.

"Zixu, what's the matter?"

When Mr. Zhou saw Zhou Zixu entering the room, he couldn't wait to stand up and ask him.

"Ectopic pregnancy, surgery, now hospitalized."

Zhou Zixu said that the cloud is calm and the purpose is not to make grandpa and father worry.

"Ectopic pregnancy? What?"

Mr. Zhou frowned. Pregnancy is a good thing. Why do you have surgery?
"The baby is not in the womb."

Zhou Zixu repeated what he heard from the doctor.

"Have not heard."

Master Zhou looked at his son, Zhou Baichuan also shook his head.

Even though he is a big leader, he doesn't understand this aspect.

"It's okay, grandpa, go to sleep!"

Lu Sihui smiled and persuaded them that the old man should not be in a hurry, so she did not intend to explain, lest they get angry.

"Okay! Go to the hospital tomorrow morning."

Mr. Zhou stood up, and Zhou Baichuan hurriedly supported him.

"Dad, please slow down."

Mr. Zhou waved his hands and muttered something in a low voice.

"Don't be afraid, I, who was sentenced to death by the doctor long ago, how come my health is getting better and better?"

(End of this chapter)

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