Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1053 Special 1's love

Chapter 1053 Exclusive love

Lu Sihui turned her head and saw Zhou Zixu standing at the door, looking at herself suspiciously.

He smiled lightly: "I'll see if I put any salt."

She answered very naturally, without any panic at all.


Zhou Zixu glanced at her suspiciously, feeling something was wrong in his heart, just now he saw that she seemed to put something in the soup?
The family rushed to the hospital. The doctor had just checked the ward, but only one person was allowed to enter the intensive care unit at a time, and the ward must be sterile.

Zhou Zisong stayed by his wife's side and didn't sleep all night. His deep eyes were bloodshot, and he looked at his wife on the bed with distress.

It has been one night, and she has not woken up, which makes him very worried. During the doctor's ward rounds, he asked once, why is she still awake after the anesthetic has worn off?
I was told that the patient had lost too much blood, so he was in a coma all the time, and told him not to worry.

It's easy to say, she was lying there with a pale complexion, like a lifeless doll, who could not be worried?
"Brother, grandpa and dad are here to see sister-in-law."

There was a knock on the door, Zhou Zisong looked up and saw his younger brother lip-syncing to him.

He stood up and nodded calmly, indicating that he understood.

He glanced at his wife on the hospital bed again. She was still in a deep sleep. She withdrew her gaze and walked out of the ward.

"Grandpa, Dad."

After shouting, he fell silent.

He looked tired, with dark circles and bloodshot eyes.

"Didn't sleep all night?"

Mr. Zhou asked in a low voice.

"Well, she hasn't woken up."

Zhou Zisong replied in a deep voice, with a hoarse voice, like the fine sand in the desert, dry and rough.

"Brother, wash your hands and have some breakfast."

Zhou Zixu glanced at his elder brother who had lost his former vigor, and persuaded him distressedly.

"Can't eat, don't eat."

Zhou Zisong shook his head, took a deep breath tiredly, his wife was not awake, and he was not in any mood.

"Eat some! Your body is broken, who will take care of your daughter-in-law?"

Zhou Baichuan ordered in a deep voice, feeling very distressed in his heart. Unless the two sons are not emotional, as long as they are emotional, they are dedicated lovers.

"Brother, I'll go in and take care of my sister-in-law, you should go home and sleep first!"

Lu Sihui offered to replace Zhou Zisong, his brows were slightly frowned, as if he was unwilling.

Lu Sihui hastily added: "I'm a woman, it's convenient to take care of my sister-in-law, you can replace me at night."


Zhou Zisong didn't refuse the brother-in-law's kindness again. She had already proposed it once yesterday, and if she refused again, she just didn't know what to do.

"Your sister-in-law is awake, call and tell me."

Zhou Zisong glanced into the room from the window, he was always worried that she would not wake up.

"She seems to be awake?"

This glance happened to see his daughter-in-law's eyelids move, and his usual cold voice was a little more excited.

Without looking at anyone, he opened the door and entered the room, striding to the hospital bed.

"Yanhong, are you awake?"

As if afraid of disturbing her, Zhou Zisong's voice was very low.

Seeing him like this, Lu Sihui exchanged a glance with Zixu, never expecting him to be so gentle.

Li Yanhong opened her eyes and smiled weakly, then nodded at him, unable to speak.

"Hungry? Thirsty?"

Zhou Zisong sat by the bed, held her hand and asked in a low voice.


Li Yanhong smiled and nodded, Lu Sihui watched from outside the ward door, really happy for NO.12.

The door of the ward on the other side of the corridor opened, and a tall man walked out. He looked exhausted, as if he was extremely tired, and he pinched the space between his eyebrows as he walked.

When he saw several people standing outside the door of the intensive care unit, he strode over.

"Zixu, why did you come to the hospital?"

(End of this chapter)

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