Chapter 1057

Zhao Yaozu squatted on the ground angrily, his mouth seemed to be pressed against a boulder, and he was indescribably stuffy. Suddenly, he opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood.


Hearing his son's cry, he was unable to answer, and fell to the ground in darkness.

Poor Zhao Jinchen, there are three patients in his family, and he is about to collapse.

"Send it to the hospital!"

There are still many kind-hearted people in the village. In the past, the village head was kind to everyone. If he had something to do, he would come to help.

Zhao Jinchen entrusted the child to his neighbor, Aunt Zhou, and took his father to the hospital with the villagers.

In the hospital, Lu Sihui poured out the dirty water, went into the toilet, gave orders to the robot, and walked out of the toilet with a nanorobot.

I don't know what kind of disease Zhou Guifang is?It can only be checked by nanobots.

After finding out the condition, the robot can treat it naturally, so she doesn't have to worry about it.

Entering the ward, seeing Zhou Zixu serving Zhou Guifang, Lu Sihui walked over calmly.

"Zixu, go buy some porridge for your aunt. You've been in a coma for three days. Don't starve anymore."

"Can I eat it?"

Zhou Zixu frowned and looked at his daughter-in-law, who was unconscious and couldn't even drink the water.

"Maybe I'll wake up in a while, let's go!"

Lu Sihui pushed him out.

"There's chicken soup too! My sister-in-law can't drink it either."

Zhou Zixu felt that his wife was a little strange and didn't want to leave.

"Then go pour some! Don't let my sister-in-law drink it up, and I can't give my aunt the rest."

Lu Sihui smiled softly at him, she couldn't use a robot for her aunt if she couldn't leave.

"All right!"

Zhou Zixu looked at her with gloomy eyes for a while, seeing that Sihui's eyes were calm, he didn't feel anything unusual.

He turned and walked out of the ward, walking quickly towards the intensive care unit.

Lu Sihui looked at Zhou Guifang on the hospital bed, squeezed her mouth open, and put a nanorobot the size of a soybean grain in her hand.

She did all this behind her back, and other patients and family members didn't pay attention, thinking that she was giving medicine to Zhou Guifang!

When Zhou Zixu went to the door of the intensive care unit, he found that his grandfather and father had already left. Dongsheng entered the ward and stood guard in front of his mother's bed, obediently and quietly.

The sister-in-law is already awake, and the eldest brother is feeding her chicken soup spoon by spoon.

He stood at the door and hesitated for a moment. He didn't feel embarrassed to ask for chicken soup, so he went downstairs to buy porridge.

Lu Sihui wiped Zhou Guifang's face and hands again, and then sat in front of the bed and watched quietly.

Ten minutes later, the voice of a robot came from the capsule.

"Patient, mild cerebral hemorrhage, tumor on the liver, please order repair?"

"Fix it!"

Lu Sihui gave the order that even if the cerebral hemorrhage was rescued in the hospital, he would still be paralyzed, and Zhao Jinchen would be even more tired by then.

With the help of the robot, it will be cured soon, saving Zhao Jinchen from trouble.

"Girl, what are you talking about?"

The accompanying aunt on the bed next door was very thin, with dark circles around her eyes, she was obviously tired from taking care of the patients.

Hearing her talking to herself, the aunt couldn't help asking.

"It's nothing."

Lu Sihui smiled lightly, but did not answer directly.

"Girl, are you her daughter-in-law? You look so filial. I wish I had this life."

The aunt saw that she had answered, she had found someone to chat with, and asked with a smile.


Lu Sihui looked at her in surprise, how could she think of herself and Zhao Jinchen as a couple?
"Oh, that's a pity, her son is really nice, tall and handsome, very energetic, and the most important thing is filial piety."

The aunt was thinking about it by herself, watching Lu Sihui secretly.

She and the kid look so good together.

"The one with me is my husband."

Lu Sihui saw her expression and felt the need to explain.

"Yes, she is my daughter-in-law, so please stop messing around with me."

(End of this chapter)

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