Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1059 Unknown Premonition

Chapter 1059 Unknown Premonition

Zhao Jinchen rushed into the ward, and the doctor asked him to pay the deposit, but at this time, where could he borrow money?

He could only pin his hopes on Zixu, but he was overjoyed to see his mother sitting there eating when he entered the door.

Desperate life, finally see a little light.

"Jin Chen, what's wrong?"

Seeing her anxious son, Zhou Guifang had an ominous premonition in her heart.

"It's okay, I'll talk to Zixu about something, brother and sister, please take care of my mother."

Zhao Jinchen wiped off the sweat from his brow, and didn't answer Zhou Guifang's question directly, but looked at Lu Sihui gratefully, the cry of brother and sister was very difficult.

"You're welcome, Zixu, you and Jin Chen should go and have a look!"

On the contrary, Lu Sihui was very generous and called him by his name directly.

As long as Zhao Jinchen has no other thoughts about himself, he is a good comrade.

Zhou Zixu saw the anxious look in Zhao Jinchen's eyes, picked up the pillow and leaned against the head of the couch, and carefully supported Zhou Guifang to sit up.

He glanced at his wife and motioned for her to take care of her.

He followed Zhao Jinchen out of the ward.

"Zixu, do you have any money?"

Zhao Jinchen opened his mouth with difficulty, he really has no face to borrow money anymore, a man, he is so shy in his pocket, it's too embarrassing.

"What's the matter? If it's a doctor's reminder, I just paid 200 yuan, which should be enough for a few days. If the remaining money is not enough, I will find a way for you."

Zhou Zixu thought that he didn't know about the money he had paid, so he stopped hiding it from him.

"No, my dad vomited blood and was rescued in the emergency room. There was no money, and the doctor refused to give me medicine."

Zhao Jinchen's speech was extremely difficult, the circles under his eyes were all red, his family's situation was worse, with three patients, he was at a loss.

"That's it! I'll go down with you and deposit the work permit at the cashier first, and I'll go back and get the money."

After hearing this, Zhou Zixu immediately dragged Zhao Jinchen downstairs without saying a word.

"Zixu, what are you doing?"

Zhou Zisong came out of the intensive care unit, and now his daughter-in-law was asleep, and he wanted to visit Jin Chen's mother.

"Jinchen's father vomited blood and is in the process of rescue. There is not enough money, so I will go home and get it."

Zhou Zixu hurriedly explained, and dragged Zhao Jinchen downstairs.

"Wait a minute, I have money, so hand it in first."

Zhou Zisong called them to stop, took out 300 yuan from his pocket and handed it over.

"That's all, take it and use it first, if it's not enough, I'll go home and pick it up tomorrow."

The money was originally used to rescue his wife. They are iron-blooded men, and they don't need to spend much money on public medical treatment, so it was useless. It just solved Zhao Jinchen's urgent need.

With tears in his eyes, Zhao Jinchen saluted Zhou Zisong. The brothers of the Zhou family were his former leaders. When he was in the most difficult time, the two brothers did not hesitate to lend a helping hand.

It moved him to tears, his emotions were surging, and the feelings among comrades in the unit were deep.

Take out the money as soon as you say it, and don't worry at all that he won't pay it.

"I'll go with you."

A flash of warmth flashed across Zhou Zisong's cold eyes. Now that it's not a superior-subordinate relationship, his way of gratitude is still to salute.

One day is an iron-blooded man, and the blood of an iron-blooded man flows in his bones. He always regards himself as an iron-blooded man and strictly requires it.

The three came downstairs, and Zhou Zixu ran to pay the hospital deposit.

"Comrade, I need 500 yuan."

The little girl collecting the money blushed when she saw Zhou Zixu, and told him shyly that the money was not enough.

Some were afraid that he would not be able to accept it, and looked at him very tangled.

"I'll deposit my work permit here, and I'll go home immediately to get the money. Can I give me the medicine first?"

Zhou Zixu took out his work card and talked to her nicely.

"Okay, but you must hand in the money at night, and I have to settle the payment!"

"OK, no problem."

"Zixu, are you done?"

(End of this chapter)

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