Chapter 1065
Zhou Guifang was restless in the ward, and always felt that her eyelids were tight. She was staring at the door of the ward, and her eyes were sore.

"It's okay, maybe it's about work, don't worry, I'll get you some hot water."

Lu Sihui tried to persuade her, but in fact, she was also wondering in her heart, why did Zhao Jinchen find Zhou Zixu away?

It's been almost an hour since I left, it's obviously not a trivial matter, otherwise Zixu would have come back long ago.

"Alright, I'll wash my face."

Zhou Guifang sighed, her children were not around, but Lu Sihui, an outsider, came to take care of her.


Lu Sihui responded lightly, and walked out carrying the thermos pot.

At the door, I met Zhou Zisong who was about to enter the house. He lowered his head, unable to see clearly, and was carrying a cloth bag in his hand.

"Brother, you haven't gone back yet?"

Seeing him, Lu Sihui couldn't help frowning, and just wanted to go to her sister-in-law's ward to see if Zixu was there.

"No, Zixu brought the lunch, why don't you fetch water?"

Zhou Zisong heard his sister-in-law's voice, looked up at her, saw her coming out with a rattan thermos, nodded at her, and raised the bag in his hand, which was his answer.

"Brother, where is Zixu?"

Lu Sihui sensed something was wrong, since Zhou Zixu brought the food, why didn't she come up in person? Where did he go?
"Downstairs, Jin Chen fainted."

Zhou Zisong's voice was very low. He didn't want Zhou Guifang to hear it. The door of the ward was still open. If the voice was a little louder, he could hear it from inside.

"Jin Chen fainted? Tired? Or hungry?"

Lu Sihui was a little surprised. It stands to reason that people who have undergone special training have very good physical fitness. If they do not eat a few meals or sleep for a few days, they will not faint.

"Uncle Zhao has cerebral hemorrhage and is dying."

Zhou Zisong spoke heavily, Zhao Jinchen was also in a hurry, he was too pitiful.

"Where are the people?"

When Lu Sihui heard this, her heart flickered for a moment, that strong village head, that serious man, how could his life be on the verge of death?

"Emergency room downstairs."

"I'll go and have a look, brother, please take care of Mrs. Zhao."

Lu Sihui said something in a hurry, and ran downstairs with the thermos.

The premise that she can save Zhao Yaozu is that there must be enough time, otherwise, it will be useless to have a space capsule even if the person is dead.

Zhao Yaozu has already moved to the emergency room. Since the patient's family does not agree to the operation, he can only move to the ward.

When Lu Sihui rushed downstairs, she happened to see Zhou Zixu talking to the doctor. Zhao Yaozu, who was flushed, was lying on the push bed and didn't know what happened.

She ran over and heard Zhou Zixu and the doctor begging to put Zhao Yaozu and Zhou Guifang in the same ward.

There was no one to take care of her, so she really couldn't be separated.

"Okay, comrade, let me respond to the leader."

The doctor didn't say anything, and readily agreed.

"Zixu, what's going on?"

Lu Sihui looked at Zhou Zixu panting, she just listened to a few words and couldn't judge.

"Hey, severe cerebral hemorrhage. The doctor said that after surgery, there is no guarantee that he will survive. The best result is paralysis, and the worst result is death. Jin Chen couldn't stand the blow and fainted."

Zhou Zixu sighed, and told his wife the situation. He felt sorry for his comrade, and felt sorry for his family being dragged to death by Zhao Yuying.

"Maybe a miracle will happen!"

Lu Sihui looked at Zhao Yaozu and was still breathing, so it would be easy.

"I'm going to fetch water."

Time is life, she hurriedly said, and walked towards the water room.

A pretty girl in a white coat walked towards him, looking at Zhou Zixu with bright eyes, with a bright smile and a sweet voice.

"Captain Zhou, is there no ward?"

(End of this chapter)

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