Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1079 The pain in the eyes of No. 1

Chapter 1079 The pain in the eyes of No. [-]
No. [-] was trembling with pain, just glanced at him, biting Chun and didn't speak.

"It's probably broken again. I'll take her to the emergency room."

Lu Sihui glanced at Zhao Jinchen. He was very guilty and looked at No. [-] with concern.

"Okay, let's go!"

Zhou Zixu frowned. If No. [-]'s arm is injured too badly, and he really can't take it away in the future, then the career of the iron-blooded player is over.

"Her arm?"

Zhao Jinchen watched Number One and Lu Sihui leave, and asked Zhou Zixu in a low voice.

"I broke it during training, and then you pressed it like this again. What do you think is the consequence?"

Zhou Zixu's sword-shaped eyebrows were twisted into the word Chuan at the center of his brows. No. [-] is very capable. It's a pity to lose it.

"Jin Chen, what happened to you just now?"

Zhou Guifang felt sorry for her son, and when she saw his complexion, she hurriedly asked him.

"Auntie, Jin Chen is a little exhausted, it's fine."

Seeing that Zhao Jinchen didn't know what was going on and was in a daze, he stared at the door in a daze.

He had to answer for him.

"What's weak, I think it's because of the good-looking little girl, and deliberately took advantage of it."

The aunt next door pursed her lips and looked at Zhao Jinchen with disdain.

Looking serious, how do you do such a dirty thing?
Zhao Jinchen blushed at what she said, feeling ashamed.

"Auntie, you're wrong about him. I fainted twice outside the door just now. My parents are ill. They waited late in the morning and didn't eat. The hard man couldn't hold on. The girl just now is our comrade, not someone we don't know. .”

Zhou Zixu hurriedly helped Zhao Jinchen explain that Zhao Jinchen's personality was similar to that of his elder brother.I don't like to explain, let others misunderstand.

"Son, Mom and Dad have dragged you down."

Zhou Guifang cried when she heard her son fainted.

Zhao Yaozu's complexion was also very bad, he looked at his son guiltily, for the sake of this family, he was almost dragged down.

"We two old bones, we can't drag you down anymore."

He wiped the corners of his eyes with emotion, a big man, he didn't want others to see his tears.

"I'm sorry, I thought that everyone admired a filial son, young man, good job."

The aunt in the bed next door apologized embarrassingly, and she wronged the good guy by saying that with a red mouth and white teeth.

Others in the ward also praised Zhao Jinchen, and Zhou Zixu looked at them with satisfaction. If he didn't correct his mistakes, Jinchen would be wronged.

Zhao Jinchen's mind is now on No. [-]'s arm, he is very guilty, why did he hit her, and it was connected twice?

"Jin Chen, eat something! Otherwise your body will collapse, and you will faint like just now, and it will happen again."

Zhou Zixu took the opportunity to persuade him, and Zhou Guifang hurriedly picked up the buns on the bedside table.

Zhou Zisong brought two of them, but she didn't want to eat them, so she kept them for her son!
"it is good."

Zhao Jinchen took the buns and devoured them hungrily, not wanting to be as weak as before.

"Drink of water."

Zhou Zixu frowned and looked at him, haven't eaten for a few days?Why are you so hungry?

Holding the water glass and handing it to him, Zhao Jinchen took it silently, drank Niu Yin, and felt that his body had strength and his head was not so dizzy.

"Mom and Dad, I'm going to see her."

Zhao Jinchen and his parents asked for leave and injured No. [-], so he had to take a look at it anyway.

NO.13 stood outside the door of the emergency room, clenched his hands into fists, and stared at the red light in the emergency room. No matter how unwilling he was, he could only turn into helplessness at this moment.

When Zhao Jinchen fell, he saw the pain in No. [-]'s eyes.

A woman who is as indifferent as ice doesn't always treat everyone with a cold face. To Zhao Jinchen, she has always been different.

"Still in there?"

(End of this chapter)

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