Chapter 1091
Lu Sihui turned onto the tree, dexterous like a monkey, sitting on the branch condescendingly, looking mischievously at Zhou Zixu under the tree.

His arms were outstretched, his body was covered with snowflakes, his eyebrows and eyelashes were covered with ice beads, and he looked very embarrassed.

"Ha ha."

Sitting on a tree branch covering her mouth and laughing, the silver bell-like laughter caused the snow on the tree to rush down, connecting with the snowflakes falling from the sky.

Zhou Zixu withdrew his hand, threw the hare to the ground, and tilted his neck to look at his wife in the tree.

Naughty, isn't it?Think he can't catch it?
Lu Sihui saw the wildness of the wolf from his gleaming eyes, and she seemed to draw out the competitive factor in his body.

When she was just alert, Zhou Zixu stretched out his long arm and grabbed her ankle bone with lightning speed.


Out of instinctive defense, Lu Sihui raised her uncaught foot and kicked it towards him.

Unexpectedly, the branch broke at this time, and she fell from the tree like a kite that was unthreaded.

Zhou Zixu pulled her into his arms, but the force of her body was so strong that he fell into the snow.

"I'm sorry, did it hurt?"

Lu Sihui had a big flesh pad underneath her, so she was naturally not injured. She put her hands on Zhou Zixu's sides, and looked nervously at the man under her.


Getting no response, she had to call out again.

She still didn't answer, she hurriedly looked at his face, why are her eyes closed?

"Zixu, don't you scare me?"

She tried her best to recall, but she didn't feel that she hit his head!
Zhou Zixu didn't say a word, the snow on the ground was very cold, and after lying down for a while, the chill would seep through his coat.

"Zixu, it's getting late, grandpa will miss you if you come home too late."

Lu Sihui saw his eyeballs move under his eyelids, and smiled and pressed it to his ear as a warning.

"Well, it's time to hurry up."

When she was ready to escape, Zhou Zixu suddenly opened his radiant black eyes, and rolled her under him with a smile.

"It's so cold."

Lu Sihui took the opportunity to hold Snowflakes in both hands, and raised her eyebrows at him while lying in the snow, with a bright smile on her face, and her voice was a little sweeter than usual.

Zhou Zixu's heart was beating alarm bells, and he got up quickly. After all, he was a step too late, and his face and neck were covered with snow.

"Ha ha."

Lu Sihui jumped up with a smile, making you pretend to be dizzy, do you want to pretend this time?

Zhou Zixu raised the corner of his mouth, stretched out his hand, and bent his fingers, like a falcon flying in the sky, he rushed towards Lu Sihui, a cute little fox.

Lu Sihui reacted quickly, grabbed the snow on the ground and raised it to Zhou Zixu's face, taking advantage of the opportunity when he raised his hand to block, turned and ran.

"I will definitely catch up with you."

With a smile in his clear voice, Zhou Zixu followed closely all the way.

"Then try it!"

Lu Sihui's competitive spirit was aroused, and she ran all the way ahead, and the couple had a snowy night running training.

Every time Zhou Zixu wanted to catch up with her, Lu Sihui would climb the tree.

After two times, Zhou Zixu understood her routine. When she wanted to jump up the tree again, he raised his hand and grabbed her ankle. There was thick snow on the ground, so there was no need to worry about hurting his wife.

"Did you get caught?"

Zhou Zixu shackled Sihui in his arms, and looked down at her, with a smile flickering in his bright peach eyes.

"Well, not bad."

Lu Sihui smiled. She was already beautiful, lying in the white snow like a delicate flower in full bloom. With this smile, the side of her hair looked like beautiful petals, which firmly attracted Zhou Zixu's gaze.

(End of this chapter)

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