Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1094 What are you trying to do wrong?

Chapter 1094 What are you trying to do wrong?

Lu Sihui rolled his eyes at him, pushed him away, and washed his hands.

"Do you remember that I washed my daughter's hands?"

Zhou Zixu put his arms around her waist behind her, resting his chin on her shoulders, and his hoarse voice rang in her ears.

Lu Sihui ignored him, took soap and rubbed it on her hands.

"I come."

Zhou Zixu surrounded her right behind her, stretched out his hand domineeringly, and continued to wash her hands.

The little soaped hands looked like fine suet jade.

All of his breath was sprayed into Lu Sihui's ears, the heat was itchy, like a thin feather.

"Woke up."

She punched Zhou Zixu with her elbow, but he easily dodged it.

"do not move."

Following Zhou Zixu's voice, she was shackled by him, and Lu Sihui's eyes widened in astonishment.

"Be honest."

She scolded him angrily, this man is too dishonest!Even if you wash your hands, will the flowers come out?

"Honest? Honest men are sick. You want your man to be like that too? Huh?"

Zhou Zixu blew into her ears viciously, his hoarse voice was full of force.

Such a bad guy makes people itch to hate him, but also love him so much that he can't put it down.


Lu Sihui blushed at what he said, and cursed in a low voice: "Shameless."

Narcissistic, arrogant man with thick skin.

"Look, how clean it is."

However, Zhou Zixu quickly changed the subject, and solemnly showed his masterpiece to his daughter-in-law. He is a good man who can take good care of his daughter-in-law.

"The water is hot."

The ice in the basin had long since melted, and the water temperature was rising little by little. She smiled and looked back at Zhou Zixu, with a meaning both of them could understand in her eyes.

"I wash."

Zhou Zixu replied with a smile.

Zhou Zixu threw the clothes to his daughter-in-law, and whistled the water that was already too cold in the basin onto his body. Lu Sihui gritted his teeth as he watched, how cold the water was, did he not feel it?
It would not be an exaggeration to say that he is made of steel and iron. Lu Sihui hugged his clothes and looked at Zhou Zixu with smiling and adoring eyes. This is a real man. A sense of pride arises spontaneously. Such an excellent man belongs to me. , The love for him in my heart is even deeper.

"Wipe me clean."

Zhou Zixu handed the towel to Lu Sihui, raised his unruly eyebrows, and commanded her domineeringly.

He is very confident in his figure, and Sihui is reluctant to look away.

"Are you sure you want me to wipe?"

Lu Sihui smiled mischievously, with a certain threat in her voice, raised her eyebrows on the left side, looked at Zhou Zixu and asked with a smile.

"of course."

Zhou Zixu raised his eyebrows, he was not afraid of his wife's threat at all, just kidding, Zhou Zixu was not afraid of anything, but afraid of a threat?
"it is good."

Lu Sihui put all Zhou Zixu's clothes on the stool, took the towel and walked over with a smile, but her smile was a bit wicked, as if she was thinking of something to play tricks on Zhou Zixu.

"What's your look like?"

Zhou Zixu suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart, looked at his daughter-in-law warily, and took a step back. Every time the daughter-in-law looked at him so badly, it was because she was trying to play tricks on him.

"Wipe it clean for you!"

Lu Sihui smiled like a flower, and approached Zhou Zixu with a towel, her voice became as melodious as a lark, and a narrowing flashed in her narrowed eyes.

"Forget it, I decided to wipe it myself."

Zhou Zixu grabbed the towel, his voice full of vigilance.

Lu Sihui pursed her lips and looked at him, with a playful smile hidden in her dark eyes.

"Little villain, what do you want to do wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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