Chapter 1096

Zhou Zixu seemed to be doing it on purpose, this time it was endless, and Lu Sihui fell asleep exhausted, so he gave up.

Looking at the little woman who was sleeping soundly in his arms, a smug smile appeared in his sparkling eyes.

Close your eyes, hug your daughter-in-law contentedly, and spend a night without being disturbed by anyone.

In the Zhou family, Swift wakes up and looks for her mother. She keeps her mouth flat and refuses to go to sleep, and she doesn't cry. She just looks at everyone with aggrieved eyes.

Zhou Baichuan frowned and looked at his watch, what time was it, why didn't Zixu and his daughter-in-law come back.

"Yuyan, can you sleep with the aunt?"

Li Yanhong put her arms around Swift and coaxed her gently, Zisong was on duty tonight, she happened to be alone, so it was okay to help Sihui coax the child.

"not good."

Swift shook her head, her mother smelled delicious, she liked her mother.

"Yuyan, can brother sleep with you?"

Dong Sheng coaxed his younger sister like a little adult, and kept rubbing his eyelids together, making Mr. Zhou want to laugh when he saw it.

"Okay, Swift is so big, sleep by herself."

The old man waved his hand and looked at his great-granddaughter seriously.

Sihui is an iron-blooded man, and he has to go out to practice military affairs every year. It is not good for Swift to be so clingy to her mother, she should get used to it.

"Zixu is getting more and more shameless, and he won't tell me if he doesn't come back."

Zhou Baichuan felt sorry for his granddaughter and became angry with his son.


Zhou Zixu sneezed twice in a row, waking up the sleeping Lu Sihui. She sat up suddenly, raised her wrist and looked at her watch.

"go home."

Eleven at midnight?Without saying a word, she pulled off her clothes and put them on quickly.

Zhou Zixu shook his head helplessly. After all, his charm is not as good as that of his daughter.

"Daughter-in-law, we want this one child, and we don't want any more."

He sat up angrily, talking angrily while getting dressed.

"Ha, it's enough for a father to be jealous of his daughter."

Lu Sihui gave him a funny look, put on the trousers, put on her shoes and went to the ground.

A station attendant puts on clothes as quickly as an airplane, and can tidy up in a minute.

Zhou Zixu put on his pants lazily, sat on the side of the couch and looked at his wife mournfully.

"Go home, don't let me sleep in the study again, I also have a wife."

"Okay, okay, can I let you sleep in the house?"

Lu Sihui looked at him amusedly, pushed him aside, pulled the quilt and began to fold it.

She got used to stacking tofu cubes, even if it was the quilt at home, she would not stop until there was not a single wrinkle in it.

"Let's go! I don't think the two of us are like a husband and wife, but rather we are out to have an affair."

There was dissatisfaction in Zhou Zixu's voice, and Lu Sihui ignored him, and opened the door first to go out.

Zhou Zixu followed closely out of the house, facing the icy cold air, as if he had suddenly fallen into an ice cellar.

"Sihui, it's really strange. It's so cold in the corridor where the stove is lit, why is it so hot in the room? No, I'll go to Jianguo's room to take a look. I always find it strange."

He muttered, walking towards his brother-in-law's room with his long legs.


Lu Sihui grabbed him, her brother's room would only be colder than the kitchen and corridor.

"Take a look before leaving."

Zhou Zixu insisted on going, but Lu Sihui turned cold and said, "If you don't go, I will go by myself."

"Okay, let's go."

When Zhou Zixu saw his wife was angry, his curiosity was suppressed, his hand was on the doorknob, and he let go and walked into the ice and snow with his wife.

"No one lived in our house all winter. It's a miracle that the glass was not smashed."

Zhou Zixu said to his wife while locking the door.

"Because Zhao Yuying is dead, Fang Fang can't afford to be a monster by herself."

"Who is there?"

(End of this chapter)

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