Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1106 Cheers for the Wife

Chapter 1106 Cheers for the Wife

At this time, Lu Sihui was surrounded by four or five wolves. The smell of blood attracted the wolves with a keen sense of smell. Facing Lu Sihui, a thin little woman, the wild wolf bared its sharp fangs with a cold light at her.

"Want to grab it?"

Lu Sihui looked at the beasts in front of her contemptuously. In her eyes, these things were nothing to worry about.

"Aw!" The wild wolves let out a sharp roar, and Lu Sihui's contemptuous attitude angered them.

Leaning towards her with four hooves, the dark green wolf eyes gleamed bloodthirsty in the sunlight.

Lu Sihui held a dagger in her hand, her feet were shoulder-width apart, standing upright in front of the wild boar like a mountain peak.

They are all members of the biological chain. Why should the wild boar she killed so hard be given to the wolf for nothing?
The corners of her mouth raised slightly, this was a rare training opportunity, she was going to kill all directions today, using her ability to fight zombies in the last days, and kill these wolves who didn't know what to do.

Sensing the murderous intent emanating from the opponent, the wild wolf became restless and looked at Lu Sihui warily.

Danger has a natural vigilance. The woman in front of her looks easy to bully, but the murderous aura emanating from her makes them frightened and uneasy, and they dare not approach her easily.

The four wild wolves surrounded Lu Sihui separately, circling her restlessly.

Lu Sihui raised her chin proudly and stood upright in the sun, the dagger in her hand was glowing coldly in the sun.

Squinting his eyes, he stared at the wild wolf in front of him. It looked very cunning, with thick limbs and a larger body than the other three.

One corner of her mouth curled up, the king was the first to capture the thief, she fell in love with the wolf fur on it, and sold it for money, enough to buy new clothes for Swift.

Bending slightly, like a cheetah ready to go, the wild wolf on the opposite side, aware of the imminent danger, raised its fur on its body, bared its sharp teeth, and whined threateningly at Lu Sihui .

With one fly, Lu Sihui attacked the wolf condescendingly like a falcon descending from the sky.

Seeing her move, the other three wild wolves rushed towards her one after another.

The fight between a woman and four wild wolves officially started.

The dagger in Lu Sihui's hand pierced fiercely into the eyes of the wild wolf in her picture, and the wolf that couldn't avoid it let out a shrill cry, turned around and wanted to escape.

Lu Sihui drew out the dagger, kicked back the wild wolf that was rushing behind her, and swung the dagger out, piercing the neck of the wild wolf on the left.

Pull out and turn around, and kick away the wild wolf that is rushing from the right.

The movements were clean and smooth, as if they were performing, and when Zhou Zixu rushed over, he happened to see Lu Sihui's perfect set of movements.

Immediately stopped, put his arms around his chest, and watched his daughter-in-law fighting the wild wolf with leisure.

"Want to watch the fun?"

Lu Sihui had already spotted him when he ran over, flew over, stabbed the dagger into the neck of the wild wolf she kicked away, and ended the standing fight.

"It's a once in a thousand years, my daughter-in-law is amazing."

Zhou Zixu smiled brilliantly, and clapped his hands to applaud his wife.

Lu Sihui raised her chin arrogantly, the wild wolf in her picture escaped, leaving a trail of glaring blood on the snow.

"I'll help you get it back."

Zhou Zixu smiled, and chased after the wild wolf with his long legs.

Before leaving, he threw the two hares he caught, and the fruits were abundant.

Zhao Jinchen rushed over with the men from the village, and what he saw was three dead wolves lying in disorder on the white snow, plus the two adult wild boars, the scene was very bloody.

Looking around nervously, Lu Sihui and Zhou Zixu were nowhere to be seen.

"Zixu, Sihui, where are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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