Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1109 Both of you get out of the way, I'll come

Chapter 1109 Both of you get out of the way, I'll come

Sun Guodong looked at Lu Sihui greedily. She was getting more and more beautiful. When she was just thinned out in the village, she was also very good-looking, but she was dressed in rustic clothes, and looked cold without any warmth.

At that time, he also felt it was a pity, but his desire to be a city resident was greater than lust. He would rather find an ugly city eccentric as his wife. As for Lu Sihui, he wanted to develop her to be his family.

Let her continue to work at Sun's house and serve his parents, secretly come back to date her a few times a month, enjoy the life of a city person, and have a beautiful little daughter-in-law. .

However, after seeing that she didn't have himself at all in her heart, he fell in love with her instead.

Later, she became a comrade in the propaganda team, and he had no chance to win her heart again, no matter how unwilling he was, he had no choice but to give up.

But Lu Sihui was in front of him now, she had a good life after leaving him, but his life was not satisfactory, feeling that she had betrayed him, hated her so much, but there was nothing he could do about her.

The man around her is not easy to mess with, the leader of the unit, it is against the law to break up a marriage, and he will be punished once for making a false accusation, so he dare not cause trouble again.

Feeling something was wrong, Lu Sihui raised her head to meet Sun Guodong's jealous and resentful eyes.

Violence flashed in the phoenix eyes, and she stared at him coldly.

Sun Guodong hurriedly lowered his head in fright, why did this woman become so scary, being stared at by her like that was like being thrown into an iceberg and pierced through the heart by an erected ice pick.

Not daring to look at her any more, he squeezed into the crowd.

Lu Sihui looked at Zhao Cuihua, who was aggrieved and stared at her sharply. It seemed that she hadn't cleaned up the family yet, leaving them too idle.

"Zixu, I'm going to the bathroom."

Lu Sihui withdrew her gaze and looked at the people of the Sun family. Their eyes were prone to pinpricks, so it was better to look at Zixu, which was seductive.


Zhou Zixu and Zhao Jinchen were busy putting the wild boar on the bench, ready to kill and skin the pig, feeling very excited in his heart, as if killing a new year pig.

Lu Sihui walked towards the Zhao family's backyard. Every family in the countryside had a small latrine. The so-called fertilizer and water were not left in the field for outsiders. The feces stored in the spring bloomed and were used for planting gardens. This was a natural fertilizer.

Zhao's latrine is made of mud forks, more than one meter high, which can block the key parts, but you can still see the head. Fortunately, there is a courtyard wall so that people will not be surrounded by the toilet.

Originally, Lu Sihui didn't intend to actually go there, but it was just to avoid the crowd.

"Give some snake venom to the members of the Sun family. I want them to be as fat and stupid as I was before. They don't even have the strength to walk, but don't let them die."

Lu Sihui gave orders to the robot. The poison she was poisoned before was recorded in the instrument. It is not difficult to create the same snake poison.

Stepping out of the space capsule, her eyes radiated a frightening chill. It was time for the Sun family to experience the pain the original owner had suffered.

I really want to see Sun Qiuju's expression when someone calls her a dead fat girl?
And that Sun Guodong, didn't he rely on himself as a little boy?When he becomes ugly and fat, will he be unable to bear to hang himself?

"Jin Chen, find a basin!"

Zhou Zixu looked at the wild boar on the bench, not knowing where to start.

In the past, pigs were slaughtered by stabbing them in the neck first, and then bleeding.

But now that it's a dead pig, he's not sure if there will be any blood left?
Zhao Yaozu saw that his son and Zixu had never killed a pig, so he changed into old clothes and went to battle himself.

"Both of you get out of the way, I'll come."

(End of this chapter)

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