Chapter 1111

Seeing her leave, Lu Sihui said coldly, "Next."

With the matter of Zhao Cuihua, no one dared to ask her to give him an extra piece of meat. He lined up honestly, paid the money, and went home with the meat.

There are dozens of households in the village, each of which buys only one catty, and after a while, sells out more than half of the pork.

Lu Sihui glanced at the bench, there were dozens of catties of meat left, and she didn't plan to sell any more.

"Okay, let's stop here, eat the rest by yourself."

There are still more than a dozen people who haven't bought it, and they are unwilling to leave.

"Sell us a catty! It's been waiting in line for half a day."

"Then one catty per person, if there is more."

Lu Sihui nodded, it's really unfair that the people in line couldn't buy it.

Finally, we weighed the remaining pork, and there were nearly forty catties, which was enough for the Zhao family to eat for the New Year.

"How about it, how about the income."

Zhou Zixu wandered over and asked his wife with a smile.

"It's fun to watch, isn't it?"

Lu Sihui glared at him. The meat was sold here, and he hid far away. Jin Chen helped in cutting the meat.

"Haha, this greasy leader quits."

Zhou Zixu raised his face arrogantly, Lu Sihui gave him a blank look, and handed over all the money to Zhao Yaozu.

"Uncle, take it and pay off the debt!"

"Sihui, did you sell it for me?"

Zhao Yaozu refused to take the money, he felt that the money was taken unjustly.

"This is the wild boar that Jinchen killed. Of course it belongs to your Zhao family. I'm just helping to sell it."

Lu Sihui stuffed the money into his pocket expressionlessly.

"How can this be done? Will he be arrested?" Zhao Yaozu has been well aware of the crime of speculation all these years, and he is afraid.

"I am the one who sells the meat, so if you catch me, you will catch me. Don't be afraid."

Lu Sihui generously took the responsibility onto herself, so why not arrest her now?
"Let's eat! I've been busy for so long."

Zhou Guifang came out of the room, she saw all the situation just now.

"cough cough"

Just after leaving the house, seeing the cold air, she began to cough violently again, and her face turned red after a while.

"Mom, get in the house quickly."

Zhao Jinchen hurried over to help her, mother's tracheitis was getting worse.

Lu Sihui raised her eyebrows and looked at Zhou Guifang. She wanted to cure Zhou Guifang, and she would help if she could.

When eating, Zhao Yaozu took out the good wine from his collection, and gratefully filled it up for Zhou Zixu and Lu Sihui.

"You two are my family's saviors."

"Uncle, what are you talking about! Jin Chen and I are friends, and his parents, that is, my parents, what's the point of helping?"

Zhou Zixu stood up to take the bottle and filled it for Zhao Yaozu himself. He respected this old man very much.

Lu Sihui silently gnawed on the chicken paws, which Zhou Zixu picked up for her, there was no meat at all, and he even told her with his lips that this was a money rake, fresh meat, and fragrant.

Zhou Guifang glanced at Sihui from time to time, she was still coughing badly, for fear that Zhou Zixu would dislike her, she was willing to sit by the side and accompany her instead of going to the table.

Lu Sihui felt her gaze, but remained silent.

Finally finished gnawing the chicken paw, Zhou Zixu saw it, and clipped another wing tip for her: "Flying high, it's a good omen."

Lu Sihui rolled his eyes at him, and said with her lips: "May I eat it by myself, I don't want to fly, the heights are too cold."

In exchange, Zhou Zixu smiled brightly, turned away from her, and continued to drink with Zhao Yaozu politely.

Zhou Guifang endured it for a while, the cough became less severe, and then she came to talk to Lu Sihui, her voice was very low, and her back was turned to her son.

"Sihui, Auntie wants to ask you something."

(End of this chapter)

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