Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1116 Husband and wife are not tired of working together.

Chapter 1116 Husband and wife are not tired of working together.

He took the brush, calmed down, and began to soak the tip of the brush in ink. Zhou Zixu was willing to help his wife, spread the red paper, and stood aside and looked at her dotingly.

It doesn't matter if the writing is good or bad, and it's not a competition, it's all posted by the unit itself.

However, in order to save red paper, all he gave Lu Sihui was cut into small squares of red paper, which were all pasted on the glass. If the writing was broken, he just pasted it on the glass of the dormitory door and window, and it didn't affect anything. .

Lu Sihui looked at the little red paper with a heartbroken heart, and swiped the brush resignedly, who made her not as good as Zhou Zixu in writing!
Although her handwriting is tangible, it has no bones. Compared with Zhou Zixu's, it is a copying work.

But in the eyes of others, I still think she wrote well.

"Sister-in-law is awesome."

Zhang Changshui came over to flatter him, seeing him, Lu Sihui thought of Huang Yaomei.

I haven't contacted her for more than a year, and I don't know how she is doing now?
Before leaving the publicity team, she gave her diet pills, and when she left, she was already very thin.

In a year's time, I don't know if I have lost weight.

"Sister-in-law, did I say something wrong?"

Zhang Changshui flattered him, but in exchange for Lu Sihui's thoughtful gaze, he felt uncomfortable, scratched the back of his head embarrassingly, and asked in a low voice.

"Well, I was wrong, my writing is not good-looking, and I wasted red paper and ink."

Lu Sihui put down the brush, she was not capable enough, so she should not be ashamed.

Zhou Zixu smiled: "Sihui, don't underestimate yourself. It's not bad for you beginners to write like this. I remember when I first wrote calligraphy, it was like a caterpillar crawling on the paper. That's really ugly!"

Lu Sihui glanced at him lightly, and comforted her without belittling himself, right?

The handwriting looks handsome and extraordinary, even when he was a beginner, it must be better than his own handwriting.

Once the blessing is written, don't worry about the rest, wait until the 31st morning, and send the station friends to post it.

Zhou Zixu took two more long red papers and began to write couplets. Lu Sihui stood beside him and rubbed ink for him. The husband and wife worked together without getting tired.

Zhou Zixu was full of strength, and he was able to move his wrist with ease, and he wrote the couplet in a blink of an eye.

But he didn't just let it go, a falcon soaring high was drawn on a piece of red paper.

Eagle eyes are sharp, despise everything, and the momentum is like a rainbow
"Okay, the finishing touch."

Lu Sihui praised Zixu, and a brilliant flower bloomed on his face immediately.

"It's an honor to be commended."

He started to drag out a sentence, in exchange for Lu Sihui's eyes, and a cold word: "sour."

Zhou Zixu blinked, the smile on his face froze for a moment, and immediately became brighter again.

"Thank you daughter-in-law for the compliment."

Lu Sihui gave him a strange look, was that a compliment?
"Since ancient times, literati have been sour, so, daughter-in-law, you are praising me as a literati."

Zhou Zixu looked at his daughter-in-law proudly, and Zhang Changshui stuck out his tongue 1. Head, is the leader shameless?
Is he a literati?How can it be?

When I came home at night, I saw Aunt Su was busy steaming bean buns and steamed buns. The kitchen was full of steam, and I could smell the aroma of beans as soon as I entered the door.

"Aunt Su, steamed bean buns? It smells so good."

Zhou Zixu sniffed while taking off his shoes, he was hungry for beanbags.

"Dad, Mom."

Like a happy swallow, Little Swift ran towards her parents.

Zhou Zixu hurriedly put his hand to his mouth and laughed, fearing that the ice would hit his little princess.

But when he squatted down and stretched out his hands to his daughter, the little girl's behavior embarrassed him.

(End of this chapter)

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