Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1127 Let's Eat New Year's Eve Dinner Together

Chapter 1127 Eat New Year's Eve Dinner Together

After a while, a few large pots of dumplings were served on the table, steaming hot, white and fat, and the taste buds of people who looked at it were hooked.

Zhou Zixu and Lu Sihui just ate a few dumplings symbolically and left them for their friends to eat.

NO.12 also didn't eat much, she wanted to go home to have a New Year's Eve dinner with her grandfather and son.

The mouths of the friends were full of oil, and they smiled happily. Zhou Zixu was in a good mood watching.

"Old Wu, watch the rest! We're going home."

When Zhou Zixu's friends were busy eating dumplings, he asked Lao Wu to arrange work.

"Yes, go home and be with grandpa, and pay New Year's greetings to grandpa for me."

Old Wu saluted with a smile, Zhou Zixu patted him on the shoulder, and beckoned his wife and sister-in-law to leave.

"Number one, wait for me, I will bring you medicine on the second day of junior high school."

Before Lu Sihui left, she asked No. [-] in a low voice, fearing that she would ask to leave again.

"it is good."

One watched them leave gratefully.

On the way home, Zhou Zixu was driving, and Lu Sihui and her sister-in-law were sitting in the back seat.

Zhou Zixu looked at the empty co-pilot seat beside him, and felt a little uncomfortable.

From time to time, she glanced at her daughter-in-law in the rearview mirror, and Lu Sihui noticed it, but pretended not to see it.

This made Zhou Zixu feel uneasy, NO.12 lowered her head amusedly when she saw the interaction between the couple, she didn't want to get involved.

Anyway, these two people will not be angry for more than a day, Zhou Zixu has the ability to coax his wife well.

When the three of them arrived home, it was two minutes before twelve, and Lu Jianguo was already setting off firecrackers with Dong Sheng.


They didn't notice that someone was coming, so they threw it when they lit it, and a small whip flew towards Lu Sihui.

Zhou Zixu loves his wife so much, he raised his foot, like kicking a football, and kicked the firecrackers away.

This is good, the light is flashing in the air, and the firecrackers have the effect of fireworks.

"Uncle is great, let's kick again."

Over there, Dong Sheng's adoring eyes lit up, and he pushed Lu Jianguo, asking him to light another hanging and throw it to Zhou Zixu.

"Don't mess around, it's dangerous."

Zhou Zixu glared at his nephew, if he didn't respond quickly, he would be hit by firecrackers.

Bear children must be educated from an early age, otherwise they will easily cause trouble.

"Brother-in-law, you are amazing."

Lu Jianguo looked at his brother-in-law in admiration, and walked over to have a beard with him.

"Jianguo, how about studying? If it's not good, go and be a guard with brother-in-law!"

Zhou Zixu pinched his brother-in-law's arm, it was a little fleshy, and his height was not too low, almost 1.8 meters.

"My sister asked me to go to college."

Lu Jianguo looked at his sister, he didn't dare to disobey her order.

"I'm 17 years old during the Chinese New Year. I'm a little man, and I have some ideas."

Zhou Zixu raised his hand and wanted to rub his brother-in-law's head, but he was about the same height as him now, and he was no longer a child, so he put down this action.

"Let him take the test, and then talk about it if he can't."

Lu Sihui glanced at her younger brother, her academic performance had always been average, but she still didn't want to give up.

The younger brother's character is too soft to be a comrade.

"Sister, I want to be gay, I want to be like you."

This was the first time that Lu Jianguo expressed his thoughts. Lu Sihui looked at his younger brother with deep eyes. He has grown up.

Lu Jianguo was a little flustered by his sister, but he still looked at her bravely.

How nice to be a man like my brother-in-law, he likes that uniform.

"Sihui, don't scare Jianguo."

Zhou Zixu is on the side of his brother-in-law this time. Everyone has their own ideals.

Lu Sihui walked towards her younger brother, Lu Jianguo subconsciously stepped back, and her inadvertent gesture made Lu Sihui feel very uncomfortable.

"Jianguo, are you afraid of your sister?"

(End of this chapter)

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