Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1132 When I first met her, that glimpse

Chapter 1132 When I first met her, that glimpse

Zhou Zixu didn't give her a chance to be distracted, and didn't stop his actions. Lu Sihui's plan failed, so he had to let him do whatever he wanted.

Zhou Zisong opened the door and entered his room. The woman on the couch was sleeping soundly, snoring slightly, with the corners of her mouth raised in a perfect arc, and walked towards the side of the couch.

The faint moonlight shone into the room, and that little light was enough for Zhou Zisong to see his daughter-in-law's face clearly. After more than a year of husband and wife, her gentleness and virtuousness gradually occupied his heart.

Afraid that his body would be cold and the ice would hit her, Zhou Zisong planned to sit on the stool for a while, and then return to the couch to sleep after the chill on his body dissipated.

"where are you going?"

Li Yanhong opened her eyes and held his hand, her soft voice and charming eyes made Zhou Zisong reluctant to let go.

"I'm cold, I'll sleep when I get warmer."

Explained lightly, the voice was as cold as ever.

But the next moment his stern face was broken, and his daughter-in-law pulled him down on the couch domineeringly, with great strength, as if she was practicing confrontation with someone.

Zhou Zisong laughed, what does the daughter-in-law want to do?
Li Yanhong didn't sleep all this time, she was waiting for her husband to come back, and when she heard him back, she closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep.

Unexpectedly, he wanted to leave, so he pulled him vigorously and smashed it at himself.

"I thought you were leaving?"

Holding that cold and handsome face in her small hands, she spoke in a low voice with a little bit of sadness.

"No, I just."

Zhou Zisong just wanted to explain, but it was useless. Li Yanhong covered his mouth with her hair, and ignited the flame in his heart with a warm and long poke. The burning was so strong that he could no longer bear it, and the movement of punching was extremely fast.

On the morning of the first day of the new year, only Mr. Zhou woke up early, went downstairs alone, looked at the cold living room, shook his head, and still liked the excitement of last night.

The children slept late, so naturally they couldn't get up. He walked to the sofa by himself, took out chess, and he played chess to pass the time.

"Dad, happy new year."

The door opened, the cold wind carried snowflakes, and Zhou Baichuan entered the room together. His face was a little red from the cold, but his scorching eyes were still shining brightly.

Seeing his father playing chess alone on the sofa, he felt a little guilty for no reason.

"Happy Chinese New Year, I came back earlier than usual."

Mr. Zhou straightened up and looked at his son who was still in good spirits, with a kind smile on his lips.

"Dad, I'll play chess with you."

Zhou Baichuan was silent for a while, his father's words made him feel very guilty, he put on his shoes and walked to the sofa, whispering to his father.

"Okay! It's boring to play chess alone. I already know which move the opponent wants to make?"

Old man Zhou arranged the chess pieces in a lonely manner, his words sounded very lonely.

"Dad, I'm retiring soon. When I retire, I will play chess with you every day."

Zhou Baichuan rolled his Adam's apple a few times, lowered his eyelids, and apologized to his father in a low voice.

"No, as long as you are happy, Dad will be happy. The new year is here, can't you forget Zixu's mother?"

Mr. Zhou looked at his son. He didn't want to celebrate the New Year at home because he was afraid of thinking of his wife. His son didn't say this, but he knew it.

Since the accidental death of his daughter-in-law, the son has been unwilling to spend a year at home.

"Dad, I haven't."

Zhou Baichuan was silent for a moment, his deep voice was full of pain.

He still vaguely remembers the first glimpse he had of her when he first met her. She was wearing a cheongsam, like a beautiful woman who had stepped down from a picture of a lady, demure and dignified, with picturesque eyebrows and eyes.

Her light smile can make his heart elated
Fortunately, she also liked herself. At that time, he was just a poor worker, but she didn't dislike him at all.

"It's time to forget Meixian, you can't live in memories forever."

(End of this chapter)

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