Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1143 Do you think they are suspicious?

Chapter 1143 Do you think they are suspicious?
Looking out the car window, I have been walking for more than two hours, and it is impossible to go back.

I lay down in frustration, hoping that I could come back within a month after doing the task this time.

She was supposed to get the ointment, but the sudden task made her forget about it.

The most important thing is that if you forget to take the medicine, you can't fill it in. Even if Zixu went to get the ointment back for No. [-] to use, it wouldn't be easy to use without the special medicine he mixed in.

What I fear most is that I won't be able to come back for a month. On the [-]st, I applied again to go home, and Zixu approved it.

Li Yanhong was also lying on the upper bunk. She and Lu Sihui were facing each other. She saw Lu Sihui sitting up, and she also sat up.

"Sihui, what's the matter?" asked her in a low voice, the leader was on the lower bunk, and he didn't want him to hear.

"Remember something."

Lu Sihui said to her with lip language.

"Don't think about anything, finish the task early and come back early."

Li Yanhong also comforted her with lips, Lu Sihui smiled and lay down again without saying a word.

At noon, the waiter stood up and called them both: "Go to the restaurant for dinner."

The leader was wearing a dark gray arched woolen coat. The sleeper car was hot, so he had already taken off his coat and was only wearing a gray Chinese tunic suit.

With a jet-black cropped hair, the hair looks very stiff, and the roots stand up. His eyebrows are very thick, and the brows are habitually locked, and his face is majestic. Even if he is not wearing a uniform, he gives the impression of a leader.

His eyes are very sharp, as if he can see all your thoughts clearly at a glance.

At this moment, he stood there quietly, looking at Li Yanhong and Lu Sihui with sharp eyes.

Lu Sihui and Li Yanhong were wearing casual clothes at this time, knowing that they should restrain their edge, and they could get down the upper bunk with a single jump, but they stepped down the ladder honestly.

Lu Sihui was wearing a light yellow fleece with a pointed collar of a white shirt, black Dikka trousers, and small black leather boots.

Li Yanhong was wearing a red sweater, a white shirt with a sweetheart neckline, and the same trousers as Lu Sihui, and a pair of black leather cotton shoes with half high heels.

Both of them have short ear-length hair, pinned by a beautiful hairpin, giving people a shrewd and neat look.

Their outfits looked like women from a big city, with a strong sense of fashion, which naturally attracted the attention of people in the carriage.

Just seeing that there were four of them in a group, two men and two women, like two couples, no one dared to think of them.

The sleeper car is not like a hard-seat car, there are not many people, it is not crowded, and it is not noisy.

The four of them walked through two sleeper cars to the dining car. There were not many people here. The food on the train was unpalatable and expensive. Ordinary people were reluctant to waste their money.

Lu Sihui glanced around habitually. Although she deliberately hid it, her occasional sharpness still attracted some people's attention.

At one of the tables, there were three men sitting. One of them was reading a newspaper. The newspaper he held up blocked his face, so he couldn't see clearly. The other two were eating.

When Lu Sihui and Li Yanhong walked into the dining car, they caught their attention.

When they saw the light in Lu Sihui's eyes, they raised their eyebrows and exchanged glances.

One of them, a middle-aged man with gold-rimmed glasses and slicked-back hair, shook his head slightly. The other, who was younger than him, looked down at a man who looked like a student who had just graduated, and stopped looking at Lu Sihui and the four of them.

The actions of these people aroused Lu Sihui's suspicion, and her eyes slid past them from time to time.

The leader was reading a newspaper, but he didn't see his eyes resting on those people.

But suddenly said: "Do you think they are suspicious?"

(End of this chapter)

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