Chapter 1150 Heart Is Hot
Sihui should have arrived by now, what is she doing?Is it safe?

"Zixu, get up."

Zhou Zisong came to Falcon to inspect the work. He heard that his younger brother was training here, so he searched all the way. Seeing that Zhou Zixu had exhausted himself from training, he couldn't suppress his anger.

"The deputy minister is here?"

Zhou Zixu stood up with a sneer, and put on his coat slowly. After laying it on the ground for a long time, the cotton coat was not warm at all, but rather icy cold.

"What do you look like?"

Zhou Zisong looked at his younger brother with hatred for his lack of strength, and really wanted to enlighten him and scold him to wake him up.

"Why, am I training wrong?"

Zhou Zixu squinted at him coldly, slowly buttoned his coat, picked up his hat and put it on, he was the captain again in good spirits.

His majestic expression and the chill all over his body were no less than that of his eldest brother.

He was even half a fist taller than his elder brother in size, and he was more domineering and oppressive than Zhou Zisong in terms of aura.

"Zixu, don't worry, Sihui and your sister-in-law will come back safely."

Seeing that his rebellious younger brother came back, Zhou Zisong sighed, took off his armor, and enlightened Zhou Zixu with nice words.

"Brother, I feel more and more uneasy. I also felt this way when Sihui went on a mission with you last time."

Zhou Zixu let go of the chill on his body, took out a cigarette, threw it into his mouth, and held it in his mouth. He lit the cigarette with his hands together, took a deep breath, and exhaled the smoke in his mouth into the air.


The cigarette was passed to Zhou Zisong. Although the eldest brother rarely smokes, it's not that he doesn't know how to smoke, but he is self-disciplined.

Zhou Zisong looked at the red cigarette butt, took it indifferently, took a deep breath, and let it out slowly.

He didn't say anything, but it didn't mean he didn't miss his wife in his heart.

Both women in the family went to participate in the mission. The leader did not elaborate, but only said that it was confidential. The mission was very dangerous and there was a possibility of sacrifice.

The last sentence, as a husband, how can you not worry?
Unless it is a heartless iron lump, but he is not, no matter how cold his face is, his heart is still warm.

"They'll be all right."

Zhou Zixu lit another cigarette for himself, took a strong sip, and when he exhaled, looked at the smoke blown away by the wind, and said something in a low voice.

This is to comfort the elder brother, but also to comfort myself.

B city station

Lu Sihui and Li Yanhong followed behind the leader, and found that those who had been secret agents even deliberately concealed their sharpness.

With a straight back and windy steps, you can still see the difference from ordinary people.

"When doing tasks, learn to hide your edge."

Like knowing what the two of them are thinking?The leader whispered back.

Next, under the watchful eyes of Lu Sihui and NO.12, the temperament of the leader changed.

He was still walking steadily, but his back was bent, and the expression on his face changed from majestic to tired.

Even the wrinkles on his face seemed to increase in an instant, his eyes were sad, and he looked dull when looking at people.


Li Yanhong was dumbfounded, the training they received in the special training base did not have this item.

They have learned makeup, but they can change their expressions freely and their eyes can deceive people. They don't know such high-end skills.

Lu Sihui looked at the leader adoringly, she was really someone beyond others, if she did it, she would definitely not be able to do it.

On the crowded platform, there are several separate gates for ticket inspection, and those who evade fares are taken to the office. The station is very strict.

The four of them followed the crowd to the ticket gate, and when they got out of the station, they saw a big sign with big black characters on it, which was very conspicuous.

"Take Wang Guorong."

(End of this chapter)

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