Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1152 Strict investigation

Chapter 1152 Strict investigation
Lu Sihui and Li Yanhong followed Xiao Jia towards the station. Along the way, there were many comrades on patrol, each with dignified expressions and sharp eyes.

Seeing Xiao Jia come in with two women, a guard came over to question him.

"This is our document."

After Xiao Jia showed his ID, he motioned for Lu Sihui and Li Yanhong to hand over the ID.

The serious guard took the certificate and had no doubts about Xiao Jia's, so he handed it back to him after reading it.

However, he looked at the IDs of Lu Sihui and Li Yanhong very carefully, especially the photos of the IDs were slightly different from their own. The IDs were wearing uniforms, while the two of them were wearing casual clothes.

The certificate shows short hair, but the two now have shoulder-length hair.

"What's your name?"

The guard looked at Lu Sihui sharply. There was no other emotion in his cold voice, but the vigilance in his eyes made Lu Sihui feel his suspicion.

"My name is Lu Sihui, I'm from the Falcons, and I'm the team leader at the same level."

Although she was not wearing a uniform, Lu Sihui saluted the other party first, and then loudly announced where she came from and which unit she came from.

"What about you?"

Seeing Lu Sihui's aura and standard of salute, the young guard believed her identity, and began to question Li Yanhong's identity severely.

The dozen or so patrolling friends behind him looked at Lu Sihui and Xiao Jia with sharp eyes, with their hands resting on their shoulders, and there was a musket on their backs. Why should they grab live ammunition? As long as Lu Sihui and Li Yanhong are suspicious, they can shoot at will. Bow and kill them.

"My name is Li Yanhong. I'm from the Falcons. I'm a small team leader. I've been on the ice for six years."

Li Yanhong also raised her hands in salute, and answered loudly, proudly telling her how many years she had been ice cream.

Lu Sihui took another look at her, but she didn't expect that she had been ice cream longer than herself, so she was at the level of a small captain.

According to the minimum number of years, he should be the squadron leader?

"Well, good, you can go in."

In Weiwei Heiliang's eyes, there was a little less seriousness and more admiration.

Lesbians, dressed in casual clothes, can show the aura of the iron-blooded team members, which shows how hard they usually train.

After they left, Xiao Jia led Lu Sihui and Li Yanhong to continue walking towards the residence. Not far away were rows of Zhanyou dormitories, with white walls and red slogans.

These slogans have an inspiring effect, at least Lu Sihui's blood boiled when she saw it, and a sense of mission arose in her heart.

Soon they came to the office area, where the guards were even stricter. When they entered the door, they were checked again to confirm their identities, and they went in to report again before letting them in.

Lu Sihui's curiosity was even greater at this time, so strict, much stricter than the security team.

Entering the door is a long corridor with slogans written on the walls on both sides. The corridor extends to the left and right. There are guards standing at the door of each office. The only sound of their footsteps can be heard in the corridor.

After seeing the three people, these iron-blooded men looked at them warily.

"We're here to report."

Xiao Jia handed his ID to the first guard, seeing that he was the biggest among them.

"Well, go in! The leader is waiting for you!"

The guards checked the certificates and let them go.

"Is this because the investigation is too strict? Sidaogang has been strictly inspected since I came in?"

Li Yanhong said to Lu Sihui with her lips.


Lu Sihui nodded without answering, and saw Xiao Jia stopped at the door of an office.

It's very strange here, there are only numbers on the door, unlike the Falcons, there will be logos.


Xiao Jia respectfully raised his hand and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

(End of this chapter)

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