Chapter 1156
"No need, I really want to learn, this Comrade Zhou Zhiqiang is amazing."

Lu Sihui raised one corner of her mouth, and looked at Zhou Zhiqiang arrogantly, relying on being a man, she was big, right?

It doesn't matter who wins or loses!Just look at yourself with such contemptuous eyes first?

She was looking forward to what Zhou Zhiqiang's expression would be if he lost in her hands.
Shock?Not reconciled?Or become angry.
Zhou Zhiqiang squinted his eyes. Was this lesbian being too rude to him? She didn't show any respect, let alone fear. If she was so arrogant, if she didn't clean it up, she wouldn't know the heights of heaven and earth.

"Leadership, power disparity, this game is not fair."

Li Yanhong was afraid that Lu Sihui would suffer, so she saluted the female leader and questioned her loudly.

Lu Sihui glanced at her, after all it was a family, and at critical moments, sister-in-law was quite righteous.

"It's just a game. If you face the enemy, no one will tell you fairness."

The female leader looked at Li Yanhong coldly, not very satisfied with her.


The female leader looked at Lu Sihui's heroic figure again, her eyes were sharp and flashing, and she looked at Zhou Zhiqiang with a condescending attitude.

Doesn't she know that she is irritating the other party?Didn't she expect such a consequence?

"Take them out!"

The female leader stopped talking. Since Lu Sihui wanted to prove herself, she also wanted to know if this lesbian with a delicate appearance has any skills?

Walking out of the leader's office, Lu Sihui glanced at the several guards standing straight in the corridor, looking at her with more worries.

Apparently, they all thought that Lu Sihui was hitting a stone with an egg, and could only be smashed to pieces, and there was no possibility of a counterattack.

Looking up, like a proud peacock, he walked behind Xiao Zhang with a calm pace.

She was so calm and composed, which aroused Zhou Zhiqiang's curiosity. He looked at Lu Sihui's back expectantly, wanting to see what surprises she could bring him.

Leaving the office, Xiao Zhang led them to the back mountain. On the way, he also met friends on patrol. He just glanced at them and then looked away.

No curiosity, loyal to duty, are good comrades.

Passing through the woods on the back mountain, Lu Sihui saw that the leaves were withered and yellow, and the ground was covered with fallen leaves, which were soft to step on.

Unlike the Northeast, there is no snow here. Sure enough, as the leader Wang Guorong said, the air here is not so cold and the air is fresher.

The mountains were oppressive, as if they could overwhelm and bury people under them at any time. This kind of atmosphere made Li Yanhong nervous.

"Sihui, don't be aggressive for a while, if you can't beat her, just raise your hand, I'll tell that guard to stop."

Li Yanhong told Lu Sihui in a low voice that she has such a good and strong personality, and she will grit her teeth and persevere if she loses.

She was very afraid that Zhou Zhiqiang would beat Lu Sihui to death.

That man looked like an undegenerated ape-man, very vicious.

Such a person is irrational, and the more they fight, the more excited they become, and they will not hold back just because you are a woman.

"Oh, I see."

Not wanting to worry Li Yanhong, Lu Sihui pursed her lips and agreed.

Her gaze was fixed on Zhou Zhiqiang. He was indeed a powerful opponent, and every step he took could raise dust.

After walking through the woods, I came to an open place, as if it had been carefully tidied up, a large area of ​​grass was cleared, and there were a lot of training equipment here.


Xiao Zhang stopped, looked at Lu Sihui, and shouted loudly.

Zhou Zhiqiang had already turned around and waited for Lu Sihui, his eyes flashed with excitement, he stared at Lu Sihui closely, and began to move his fingers, the sound of cracking joints echoed in the silent mountain forest.

(End of this chapter)

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