Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1160 Appreciative gaze

Chapter 1160 Appreciative gaze

The female leader didn't speak, but looked at Xiao Zhang, seeing him nodding to her, she looked away and looked at Lu Sihui appreciatively.


She uttered two words, but it was her affirmation of Lu Sihui.

"Xiao Zhang, send them to the dormitory and contact the instructor immediately for special training."

In the next two days, Lu Sihui and Li Yanhong received special training, allowing them to master simple foreign languages, as well as gesture dialogue and psychological analysis.
The most important thing is bow and arrow training, how to use the silencer, and loading and unloading arrows, quick change of arrow clips, etc.
After two days of special training, they were sent by car to the protector's residence. This is a quiet courtyard. It looked very quiet outside the door, but Lu Sihui saw some serious-faced, sharp-eyed people walking around here in casual clothes. .

The female leader told them the identity of the protected person in the car: "The object of protection this time is the leader of country X. Their visit was targeted by the bad guys, who intended to kill the visiting leader in our country, causing international Influence."

After finishing speaking, she looked at Lu Sihui and Li Yanhong, but saw that they were all quietly waiting for her to continue.

"The protected ones are the heirs of the foreign guests' families. Because his family members are women, it is more convenient to have a woman to protect them. There are other friends who are performing missions with you. They are all dressed in casual clothes and put on makeup next to the foreign guests. We not only want to protect their safety, but also take advantage of the opportunity to catch the bad guys and uproot them."

"Why do you live here? The surroundings are transparent, and the bad guys are easy to attack."

Lu Sihui frowned and looked at the quiet courtyard in front of her. Since everyone knew that the bad guys were going to attack, shouldn't the protected person be taken to the heavily guarded unit?

"That's right, because the wife of this foreign guest wants to experience the customs of City B, and prefers the courtyard houses in City B, so she specifically proposed to live here."

The female leader obviously also has a headache. The country has a special residence for foreign guests, which is very safe, but the wife of this foreign guest insists on living here to experience life, which really makes people scratch their heads.

"Then our country is left to them?"

Li Yanhong thought it was unbelievable, and she could completely refuse.

"No, it seems that we all admit that the country is not stable. We can't give this impression to our friends. You don't understand. Remember, the task must be completed, and if necessary, die in the line of duty."

The female leader has a stern face, afraid of death and not being a comrade. Since she chooses to wear a uniform, she must be mentally prepared for it.

"Yes, we must complete the task."

Lu Sihui and Li Yanhong saluted solemnly with firm eyes.

"Very well, I trust you."

Lu Sihui and Li Yanhong got out of the car, saluted the leaders in the car, watched the car go away, and then walked towards the courtyard.

Today Lu Sihui was wearing a woolen coat, an elegant top hat, and a camera in her hand. She was a reporter.

Li Yanhong's hair was permed, and she put on fashionable makeup. She looked like a pretty and gentle southern woman.

The appearance of the two attracted the attention of passers-by.


They knocked on the gate of the courtyard and waited quietly outside the courtyard.

Zhou Zixu was at home at this time, he looked sullen, his brows were furrowed, and the uneasiness in his heart became more and more intense.

He took out the cigarette and lit it, and kept it in his mouth without smoking it. He just held it like that, watching the light smoke rising gracefully, dancing coquettishly, and floating in the air.

"Zixu, I'll give you the quota to go to the training of senior officials."

Zhou Baichuan walked into the house with big strides. When he saw his son, he said to him in a brisk voice.

"Are you going to City B?"

(End of this chapter)

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