Chapter 1163 Really Crazy
It was the two of the three people I met on the train. Today, the two of them dressed like ordinary people. The man wearing gold-rimmed glasses was replaced by black-rimmed myopia glasses, and a plaid scarf was tied around his neck.

They also held small red flags in their hands, mingled in the crowd, and kept their eyes on the foreign guests.

"Those two people."

Lu Sihui reported to Zhou Zhiqiang in a low voice that he was responsible and she had to listen to him.


Zhou Zhiqiang nodded, and made a gesture of arresting the iron-blooded man who maintained order. The iron-blooded man nodded and sent four people to surround the two men.

Lu Sihui didn't look any more, if someone caught her, she would be fine.

Zhou Zixu arrived in City B. On the train, he read the newspaper. Foreign guests from country X came to visit, and a bright light flashed across his wise eyes.

Make a quick decision, don't report it first, and watch the excitement.

After getting off the car, we took a taxi to the airport.

Get out of the car and look at the dispersed crowd, the tall figure stood for a long time, came a step late, missed the opportunity, and left sadly.

Zhou Zixu went to the senior official training school to report, and met his old acquaintance Qian Guoqiang here.

Seeing Zhou Zixu, he greeted him with a smile: "Old opponent, are you safe?"

This indifferent man can actually laugh?
Zhou Zixu raised his eyebrows, looked at Qian Guoqiang with provocative eyes, and smiled brightly.

"Naturally, it's fine, it tastes good, and you! After a couple of years, you've lost weight."

Zhou Zixu patted Qian Guoqiang's arm jokingly. He was the one who ended Qian Guoqiang's dream of three consecutive championships, and he felt a little proud.

"Be thin to have strength."

Qian Guoqiang had a meaningful smile on his sharp-edged face.

He didn't participate in the national all-around competition last year, not because he was afraid of Zixu, but because he happened to have appendicitis before the competition, and the operation delayed time.

After two years of hard training, he firmly believed that he could stand against Zhou Zixu, so he looked at him sharply, with a sense of challenge.

"Haha, it's the first time I heard it. I only know that a strong man has strength, such as me."

Qian Guoqiang narrowed his eyes and looked at Zhou Zixu, he was still so arrogant, so arrogant that he deserved a beating.

"Has anyone ever told you you're annoying?"

He held Zhou Zixu's hand and pulled him closer to him, whispering in his ear.

"I just like others to hate me, but I can't beat my helplessness."

Zhou Zixu smiled and whispered in his ear.

There will be competitions for high-ranking officials after training, and they will be ranked according to their performance. If you come by yourself, Zhong Guoqiang will not be able to graduate as the number one.

"Hmph, that's really crazy. I have no other skills, but I can deal with crazy people."

The two of them got into a fight right here. From the eyes of outsiders, it seemed that they were very affectionate. They shook hands and had to kiss cheeks.

"Haha, see you on the field, Zhong Guoqiang, I'm glad to see you here."

Zhou Zixu looked at Zhong Guoqiang with raised eyebrows, and his smile was wanton and frivolous.

"Instructor, Zhou Zixu from the Falcon Team of the Security Brigade came to report."

After pushing Zhong Guoqiang away, Zhou Zixu took his luggage and went to the reporting office to register for the report.

Zhong Guoqiang's face darkened suddenly, and he squinted his eyes angrily to watch Zhou Zixu leave in a blatant manner, his deep pupils shrank and shrank, and he clenched his fists as he walked towards the dormitory.

On the first day of the report, the dormitory was allocated first, familiarized with the situation, and then began to attend classes.

Zhou Zixu got the clothes and bedding he assigned here, and walked towards the dormitory with his arms. He was assigned to the first dormitory area, and the environment here is good.

When he stepped into the dormitory, he raised the corners of his mouth and smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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