Chapter 1182

A cold light flashed in Zhou Zixu's starry eyes. He wanted to personally catch those thugs in the gutter, tear their bones apart, and avenge Si Hui.

"Most of the mobs who attacked were killed, two were captured alive, and they committed suicide by biting poison. I wonder if there are any accomplices?"

Li Yanhong said regretfully, even if she caught a living one, she would be able to follow the vine and find the messenger.

"Don't worry, as long as the identities of these people are verified, look at who they are in contact with, and the circle they live in. If you check slowly, you will always find the root cause, and you will not be at ease for a few days."

Zhou Zixu gritted his teeth. He couldn't do anything if he was dead, but he didn't want to let him go if he was alive.

The two of them went up to the second floor while talking, and there was a tall man like an iron tower standing outside the door of the intensive care unit.

He was wearing a uniform, his back was straight, his back was facing the stairs, and his face could not be seen.

"Zhou Zhiqiang?"

Li Yanhong tentatively called out, this height, and this strong strength, very much like him.

"Li Yanhong."

Zhou Zhiqiang turned around, he was still wearing a sickle on his arm, and he glanced at Zhou Zixu with leopard eyes, this man was an unfamiliar face.

Zhou Zixu raised his eyebrows and looked at him. He was at least half a head taller than himself, and his body was strong enough to hold him.

His face looks very fierce, his eyes are sharp, and he looks at a very cold-blooded person.

When he looked at Zhou Zhiqiang, he was also looking at him, with a hint of contempt in his eyes, as if he didn't think highly of his little boy at all.

"This is Lu Sihui's husband, Zhou Zixu."

Li Yanhong introduced to him that she was more afraid of Zhou Zhiqiang, her eyes were terrifying, and she had seen the viciousness of fighting, so she felt that it was better not to provoke him.

"Hello, my name is Zhou Zhiqiang, and I am the leader of XXX unit."

Zhou Zhiqiang stretched out his big fan-like hand to Zhou Zixu, introduced himself, and emphasized the leadership position.

Looking at Zhou Zixu's eyes, there was a hint of provocation and arrogance.

"Hello, my name is Zhou Zixu, the captain of the Falcon Team of the Security Brigade."

Zhou Zixu calmly raised his hand and shook hands with him. The Falcons are famous all over the country, and he has more pride than Zhou Zhiqiang.

"Falcons? Are you Falcon Chuan's partner?"

Zhou Zhiqiang looked at Zhou Zixu in disbelief, but his subordinates used their strength unceremoniously. Since you are the captain of the Falcons, I will see if you can stand my grip.

Among male animals, they are competitive after meeting, hoping to crush each other.

Zhou Zixu felt the power coming from his hands, and frowned slightly. Is this a black hand?

He was lucky in his hands, with blue tendons protruding from the back of his palm, and he began to squeeze Zhou Zhiqiang's hand vigorously, coming and going, it was not his character.

Raising his unruly eyebrows, he looked at Zhou Zhiqiang proudly. He was half a head shorter than him in height, but Zixu's arrogance suppressed Zhou Zhiqiang in a daze.

Li Yanhong saw the two fighting with each other, fearing that Zixu would get hurt, she hurried over to stop them.

"Isn't it for seeing patients? If you want to wrestle your wrists, find a free day."

Li Yanhong looked at Zhou Zhiqiang with a frown, naturally she was thinking about her brother-in-law.

"It's quite powerful, don't worry, if you have the opportunity, you will definitely learn."

Zhou Zhiqiang was the first to let go, and raised one corner of his mouth. This is a strong opponent, which is interesting, and he likes it.

"Let me ask, can I go in and see Sihui?"

Li Yanhong glared at him and walked towards the doctor's office.

Zhou Zhiqiang waited honestly outside the door, Zhou Zixu turned around and asked the nurse for a sterile suit, put on a mask and opened the door and went in.

"Why did you go in? Li Yanhong asked the doctor, have you come back yet?"

(End of this chapter)

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