Chapter 1184
Zhou Zixu got close, and quickly grabbed her, saving Qiu Liying's fate from falling to the ground.

"Let go of her."

As soon as she was helped to the couch, there was a roar like thunder in his ear.

Zhou Zhiqiang rushed into the room the moment Qiu Liying was about to fall off the bed, seeing Zhou Zixu supporting Qiu Lihong, his eyes almost popped out.

Angrily grabbed Zhou Zixu's arm, trying to throw him out.

Fortunately, Zhou Zixu's chassis was stable and his feet were strong, so he was not thrown out by this giant.

"Are you sick?"

Zhou Zixu got angry, he was busy saving people, Zhou Zhiqiang came to make trouble, he really wanted to throw him out.

"Go away." Zhou Zhiqiang pulled Zhou Zixu without moving, raised his eyebrows, and threatened him pervertedly.

"Zhou Zhiqiang, let him go."

Lu Sihui didn't want to, bullying her man, looking for a fight?

"Go away."

Zhou Zixu's violent temper was able to get used to this, he quickly struck out with his elbow, and swept towards Zhou Zhiqiang fiercely, and his other hand was not idle, he punched towards his eye socket with the sound of the wind.

"Do not fight."

Qiu Lihong exclaimed, and rushed towards the bed.

Zhou Zhiqiang was afraid that she would fall under the bed, so he didn't care about being punched by Zhou Zixu, so he reached out to help her.

The panic and worry in those eyes aroused Lu Sihui's interest, but she didn't stop Zhou Zixu, his character is not at a disadvantage.

Zhou Zhiqiang was a little too crazy, so clean up and be honest.

Zhou Zixu's fist stopped five centimeters away from Zhou Zhiqiang's eyes. He didn't do sneak attacks.

"Forgive you."

Zhou Zixu let go of his hand, and said something stupid.

The doctor ran into the room hearing the exclamation, saw Zhou Zhiqiang coming in without putting on a sterile suit, and scolded him.

"Who let you in? What if you bring in the bacteria?"

Doctors are not afraid of Zhou Zhiqiang's big size!No matter what your position is, on this three-acre land, you are the boss.

Zhou Zhiqiang took a deep look at Zhou Zixu, he didn't agree with him at all.

I looked at the doctor and said "I'm sorry."

Walking out of the ward obediently, Lu Sihui looked at the back of Big Mac with amused expression, he was no less arrogant than Zhou Zixu, how could he be so obedient?It's not easy!
Looking sideways at Qiu Lihong, and seeing her looking at Zhou Zhiqiang worriedly, he immediately understood.

It's interesting that these two are objects, or they are in love with each other. Together, they are Beauty and the Beast.

"Strange, you two have an appointment?"

Seeing that Qiu Lihong could sit up, the doctor muttered to himself.

Lu Sihui raised her eyebrows and didn't say a word. It wasn't because she was called back by Zixu, neither she nor Qiu Lihong could survive.

"Thank you doctor."

Qiu Lihong thanked the doctor. She was a fierce-looking team member with thick eyebrows and big eyes and a cold face.

She looks like a person from the Northeast, but she speaks with a southern accent. Lu Sihui looked at her twice more.

Respectable people respect respectable people. At critical moments, she did not hesitate to block the dust, which proved her strong sense of responsibility.

"You're welcome, I'm recovering very well, I don't need to change the dressing for the incision, I still have symptoms of infection and inflammation yesterday!"

The doctor checked her and found that the incision was almost healed. He was amazed in his heart. He had seen a person with flesh and skin, but yesterday it was still inflamed and festered.

It was so strange, he looked at Lu Sihui, he wanted to see if there were any signs of this in her wound.

Walking over, lifted Lu Sihui's quilt, intending to remove the gauze for inspection.

There was a dark shadow in front of him, "What are you doing?"

(End of this chapter)

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