Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1189 Mars Hits Earth

Chapter 1189 Mars Hits Earth

The doctor shook his head helplessly, Wufu, without wisdom, Zhou Zixu just now was obviously provoking him.

"Do you know that you are a wounded person, getting angry is not good for your wound recovery."

He angrily reprimanded Zhou Zhiqiang.


Zhou Zhiqiang took a few deep breaths in a row to stabilize the emotion that was about to explode, but the flame in his heart did not diminish.

Zhou Zixu put on a sterile suit, walked into the ward with long legs, saw his daughter-in-law, and a bright smile appeared on his face.

"Sihui, wash your face!"

The basin of warm water is now a little cold.

"Why have you been away for so long?"

Lu Sihui looked at him suspiciously, it was just fetching a basin of water, not boiling water?
"Meet an acquaintance and chatted for a while."

Zhou Zixu smiled brightly. He felt the water was cool, and poured some hot water from the thermos. He thought it was just right, so he brought it over to wash Lu Sihui's face and hands.

Taking care of her is more careful than taking care of Swift. Lu Sihui let him take care of herself. Now that she is recovering from a serious illness, she still has to pretend to be weak.

Qiu Liying glanced at the door of the ward from time to time, with anticipation hidden in her eyes. She had no relatives, so she regarded Zhou Zhiqiang as a relative.

"Are you hungry? We have buns here."

Seeing her eager eyes, Lu Sihui knew who she was looking forward to, so she smiled and let her eat.

"Thank you, I'm not hungry."

Qiu Liying shook her head, she had something on her mind, where could she eat.

Seeing Zhou Zixu caring for Lu Sihui, washing her face and then washing her feet, I didn't dislike it at all.

She felt inexplicably sour, she didn't ask Zhou Zhiqiang to serve her like this, but only asked him to come and see her.

This big bastard doesn't understand style at all.

After Zhou Zixu cleaned up his daughter-in-law, he walked out of the ward with dirty water. When he went out, he ran into Zhou Zhiqiang. The two hit the earth again, and they fought each other with their eyes.

"Zhou Zhiqiang, come in!"

Lu Sihui glanced at Qiu Liying, whose eyes were shining, and called Zhou Zhiqiang for her.

It was strange that the eyes between him and Zhou Zixu were not friendly, as if they could fight at any time.

Looking at the washbasin in Zhou Zixu's hand, she was a little worried. According to Zixu's personality, she would fall on Zhou Zhiqiang's head.

"Leader, they are all awake and in the intensive care unit."

Voices came from the stairs, and the female leader accompanied two leaders in uniforms with serious faces to go upstairs.

Zhou Zixu twitched his brows and hurriedly let the door out. Seeing that the nurse was still in the room, he waved to her.

"Please pour the water out."

These tasks were supposed to be done by nurses, and he helped to do half of them, so she should do the aftermath.

The female leader accompanied the two leaders upstairs and went straight to the intensive care unit. When she saw Zhou Zixu at the door, she nodded: "Excuse me, are you Lu Sihui's husband?"

The incident in the hospital had already been reported by soldiers. She was not here, but she knew everything.

"Report to the leader. I am Lu Sihui's husband, Zhou Zixu."

Zhou Zixu paid a standard salute, and answered loudly, with pride in his eyes.

"Zhou Zixu? Is that the Zhou Zixu who broke the three records of the all-around competition?"

One of the well-mannered leaders, when he heard Zhou Zixu's self-introduction, his eyes lit up immediately, and he looked at Zhou Zixu with a smile.

Sure enough, he has a good temperament and a good-looking talent. The fist strategy he proposed is very practical, and Falcon is famous all over the world.

"Report, it's me."

When Zhou Zixu talked about himself, the pride in his eyes was replaced by self-confidence, his voice was loud, and the iron-blooded aura of an iron-blooded man was overwhelming.

Zhou Zhiqiang in the room is very upset, is it really him?Can this little boy break three records?
(End of this chapter)

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