Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1195 Husband and wife share joys and sorrows

Chapter 1195 Husband and wife share joys and sorrows
Lu Sihui glanced at Qiu Lihong faintly, seeing her face flushed with anger, and there was distress for Zhou Zhiqiang hidden in her eyes.

She looked away indifferently, and instead of blaming Zhou Zixu, she spoke softly to him.

She won't train her man because of others!
What's more, he was angry at Zhou Zhiqiang for being unreasonable to him at the beginning.

"Zixu, go back to Junguan School first! My sister-in-law will be here soon."

"I'm waiting for her to come, you wash up first."

Zhou Zixu was no longer angry with Zhou Zhiqiang, and took care of Lu Sihui to wash her face and comb her hair, very patiently.

Over there, Zhou Zhiqiang had already been escorted back to the ward by the dean. He was jealous and noisy for a while, but he forgot his business.

Qiu Lihong stood at the door of the ward annoyed, watching Zhou Zhiqiang enter the ward, and then she turned and went back to the room.

Seeing Zhou Zixu take good care of Lu Sihui, taking care of her meticulously, made me feel sour.

Sitting back on the bed, he looked at them angrily.

"Sihui, Zixu, I brought you breakfast."

Li Yanhong walked into the ward with a smile on her face, carrying two lunch boxes in her hand.

Just now she went to the intensive care unit first, and found that there had been a replacement, and only after inquiring did she know that Sihui had moved.

After entering the ward, I found that something was wrong with the atmosphere. Lu Sihui and Zhou Zixu were chatting and laughing.

On the other side, Qiu Lihong looked resentful and glared at Zhou Zixu frequently.

Raised eyebrows, could it be that my uncle is angry with her?
"Sister-in-law, you are here, I'm starving to death."

Zhou Zixu was in a good mood, smiling brightly at his sister-in-law, and even joked with her.

"Eat quickly! The porridge I bought for Sihui, and the steamed buns for you."

Li Yanhong opened the lunch box with a smile, and the room was immediately filled with the aroma of porridge.

Qiu Lihong over there has been drinking a bowl of porridge since yesterday, and when she smells the aroma, she starts to sing empty city tricks in her stomach.

There are no family members at home, and she has to wait for the nurse to deliver the meals. She hasn't come yet, and she can't wait any longer, feeling hungry and flustered.

"You should eat too!"

Lu Sihui filled a bowl of porridge with a small spoon and asked Zhou Zixu to deliver it to Qiu Liying.

"No, thank you."

Qiu Lihong turned her face away, she was still angry with Zhou Zixu!It wasn't his messing around, Zhiqiang wouldn't leave.

"Your breakfast."

The nurse opened the door and came in, carrying two lunch boxes, both of which were gruel, as the doctor had ordered.

"Thank you."

Qiu Lihong took it to thank him, Zhou Zixu withdrew his hand, shrugged, and turned back to accompany his wife for dinner.

"Sister-in-law, you bought me the meat buns."

Picking up the plump white bun and taking a bite, Zhou Zixu looked at his sister-in-law with a smile on his mouth full of meaty aroma.

"I know you're hungry."

Li Yanhong smiled, picked up a bun and handed it to Lu Sihui.

"Eat it!"

"She can't eat meat."

The nurse was in a hurry, rushed over to grab it, and looked at Li Yanhong reproachfully.

"Sorry. I thought it was good to eat."

Li Yanhong was a little embarrassed, the nurse had a bit of a temper.

"It's okay, my own body knows it by itself."

Lu Sihui stretched out her hand to the nurse and looked at her coldly.

"No, the leader said, we must take good care of you."

The nurse tilted her neck and looked at Lu Sihui stubbornly. She didn't care about the chill in her eyes at all, and her brows were furrowed. This is a responsible medical worker.

Interesting, Lu Sihui smiled: "Okay, listen to you."

Smelling the aroma of meat buns and drinking the light millet porridge, Lu Sihui's eyes became resentful.

How many days will it take?Just eating porridge is not enough to be hungry!
Zhou Zixu looked at his daughter-in-law's pitiful eyes, and stopped eating the buns.

"I'll drink porridge with you."

Put the buns back into the lunch box, the husband and wife share joys and sorrows, now he will starve with her first!

(End of this chapter)

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