Chapter 1213
The other two team members shook their heads. Zhou Zixu definitely had the ability to piss people off, so they all puffed smoke out of Zhong Guoqiang's nostrils.

Four days later, Lu Sihui was walking bored in the hospital corridor, looking downstairs through the glass from time to time.

Zixu left and never came back, and she couldn't go back to the ward, so she had to let Qiu Lihong and Zhou Zhiqiang fall in love.

"Sihui, let's go back!"

Li Yanhong looked at Lu Sihui circling in the corridor, and felt a little distressed, this was just recovering from a serious injury.

"Sister-in-law, shall we go and see Zixu?"

However, Lu Sihui answered irrelevant questions and asked to see Zhou Zixu. She missed him, and they were all in the same city, but she was longing for him, and the lovesickness was unbearable.

"You got it, and the doctor can let you out of the hospital?"

Li Yanhong refused without even thinking about it. It's only been a few days, so she can't stay anymore?
"When the doctor finishes checking the ward, let's go and come back quickly. We will be back in more than three hours. When the doctor comes in the evening, we will all be in the ward."

Lu Sihui is the kind of character who wants to do it when she thinks about it. Once she says something, if she doesn't look at Zixu, her heart feels empty.


Li Yanhong abides by the principle and refuses to accept it.

"Sister-in-law, my wounds are all healed. Zixu seems to be taking an exam? Let's go and cheer him up."

Lu Sihui didn't care whether she agreed or not, she insisted on her own ideas, and even ten cows couldn't pull back what she decided.

"All right!"

Li Yanhong was in front of Lu Sihui, so she had to follow her orders.

"Go back to the ward."

Thinking of seeing Zhou Zixu soon, Lu Sihui became excited and strode towards the ward. She didn't want to see Zixu in hospital gown.

Li Yanhong followed her helplessly, envious of their relationship, they couldn't do without each other.

Unlike Zisong, who doesn't even say if he misses him?

His eyes became sad, and he always felt that he was not that important in Zisong's heart.

Before entering the ward, Lu Sihui coughed twice to inform the people in the ward that she was back.

After waiting for half a minute, she pushed open the door, and saw Qiu Lihong in the room blushing, and Zhou Zhiqiang standing by the window, facing the window, quite far away.


Qiu Lihong yelled in a low voice, and looked at her gratefully, thanks to their couple, otherwise Zhou Zhiqiang would not have confessed his love to him!

Lu Sihui responded lightly, and looked at her with a half-smile in her eyes. Qiu Lihong's mouth was swollen, and it was hard enough.

Qiu Lihong was dodged by her staring eyes, and her face was covered with red clouds.

Zhou Zhiqiang, who was standing by the window, didn't dare to turn his head back, mainly because he held his head up in embarrassment. He was afraid of being discovered by Lu Sihui and the others, and even more afraid of being seen by Qiu Lihong, who would think him a hooligan.

"Zhou Zhiqiang, why don't you just stay in your own ward and always see you here?"

The attending doctor led the nurses to inspect the ward, and when they saw Zhou Zhiqiang, they frowned and scolded him.

"I care about comrades, so I'll go back."

Zhou Zhiqiang, a barbarian, was obedient in front of the doctor, turned sideways, and left in a hurry.

"What's the matter? Is his shoulder serious?"

The doctor frowned and looked at the back of him leaving, why did he walk sideways like a crab?

"Is there anything uncomfortable about you two?"

Looking at the two lesbians on the hospital bed, the attending doctor asked as usual.

I was always curious about how the two of them got better so quickly. When I changed the dressing, I found that the wound healed quickly and the spirit was not bad.

"No, it's fine."

Lu Sihui replied lightly, expecting the doctor to leave quickly so that she could sneak out of the hospital.

(End of this chapter)

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