Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1225 I'm afraid it's the moon in the water

Chapter 1225 I'm afraid it's the moon in the water

When the doctor came, Li Yanhong had already been woken up by Lu Sihui, and there were deep nail marks on her body.

The person is very weak, lying on the hospital bed, unable to get up.

The doctor gave her a simple examination, asked about her menstruation, and then asked her to do a blood test.

At the beginning, I suspected that I was tired, and when my blood sugar was low, I was prone to fainting.

After the test results came out, the nurse walked into the ward with a smile and said, "Congratulations, I'm not sick, I'm pregnant."

Li Yanhong looked at her in disbelief, pregnant?how could it be possible?
The doctor said that she had injured her uterus and it was difficult to conceive.

Moreover, with the ectopic pregnancy last time, she was very worried that this time it would also be an ectopic pregnancy.

She didn't speak for a long time, staring blankly at the test sheet that the nurse handed her.

No one is looking forward to having a child more than she is, even if it is a moon in the water, she will be happy in vain.

"Congratulations sister-in-law, elder brother knows, he will definitely be happy."

Lu Sihui smiled and congratulated Li Yanhong, she knew best in her heart that the things the doctor said did not exist, the robot had already repaired Li Yanhong's uterus, let alone one child, even a few babies would be fine.

"I'm going to have a baby?"

Li Yanhong still couldn't believe it, she was chanting silently, tears slowly gathered in her eyes, ecstasy in her heart, and worrying about gains and losses coexisted, she was very entangled.

"Yes, you are going to be a mother, sister-in-law, I am happy for you."

Lu Sihui nodded with a smile, feeling that she was a little too happy.

"Nurse, is the child healthy?"

Li Yanhong cried and laughed like a fool at first, and soon, she looked anxiously at the nurse, hoping to get an answer from her.

"The child is too young to find out, but you don't have to worry too much, they are generally healthy."

The nurse laughed. For a new mother, the reaction is very strange.

I have seen a lot of people who wept with joy, and there are also many people who worry about gains and losses.

"Generally they are healthy, that is to say, there are also unhealthy ones?"

Li Yanhong became nervous after hearing this, she almost reached out to grab her by staring at the nurse.

"Sister-in-law, don't be too nervous, it's okay, trust me."

Lu Sihui squeezed her hand, comforted her, and said in her heart, with me here, how could the child be unhealthy?
She was determined, but Li Yanhong was different. No matter what anyone said, she was deeply disturbed.

Lu Sihui's original plan was that after Zhou Zixu graduated from the special school, she would go to the dean and ask to be discharged from the hospital.

Now that my sister-in-law is pregnant, I need to go back sooner.

Lu Sihui, the patient, seemed to have sent Li Yanhong to the guest house, and went to the bathroom to ask the robot to take out a nanorobot.

I took it back to the ward, said it was vitamin C, and told Li Yanhong to take it.

After watching her lie down, Lu Sihui went to the hospital.

Looking at the lights flickering on the road, the night in a big city is more beautiful than City S. I really want to walk on the street with Zixu, hold his arm, and listen to him telling jokes to me.

Thinking of Zhou Zixu, she couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth. A loving couple, even if they are separated for a day, they feel that time passes really slowly.

The smile froze a little bit, and the eyes became colder a little bit. That Sun Guohao actually wanted to fire Zixu?
Should she send a robot to clean him up?

The guest house is not far from the hospital, and she returned to the hospital in about 10 minutes.

As soon as he went upstairs, he saw Zixu leaning leisurely against the door of the ward, holding a cigarette in his hand, and smelling it under his nose, like a greedy cat holding a fish, wanting to eat it, but unable to.

"Zixu, why are you here? Aren't you afraid that the bad instructor will fire you?"

(End of this chapter)

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