Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1230 Two days of competition.....

Chapter 1230 Two days of competition.
Qiu Lihong frowned and fastened the buttons of her hospital gown. She was tired of being studied like a guinea pig. What's there to see?It's just that the wound heals a little faster than others.

"Have you ever been hurt before?"

The dean didn't answer her question, and automatically ignored her dissatisfaction. This is a major topic that is useful to all wounded, and he must figure it out.


Qiu Liying replied impatiently, but the dean immediately asked.

"Okay and so fast?"

After listening to his words, Qiu Lihong hesitated, and finally shook her head.

"Injured and infected before."

She remembered that before training, her ankle was injured, the wound was inflamed and infected, and she had to take anti-inflammatory injections for half a month to heal.

"This is strange. The main reason is that you are using a new batch of penicillin, but Zhou Zhiqiang also used this batch of medicine. He got infected and has not recovered until now. This is strange."

Lu Sihui looked calm on the side, but she had already started to feel uneasy in her heart, fearing that the secret of the space capsule would be revealed.

"What's so strange about this? Some people are born with a discord."

Li Yanhong interjected, in her opinion, these doctors are serious, they have to get to the bottom of everything, a very simple question can be complicated.

"You do not understand."

The dean gave her a serious look, as if to say that you are ignorant.

After the fuss here, the female leader bought fruit and milk powder to see the two of them. Wang Guorong, who came to pick up Lu Sihui and Li Yanhong, came with her.

"Lu Sihui, good job."

As soon as Wang Guorong entered the ward, he praised Lu Sihui.

"Leader, did you catch the man on the train?"

Lu Sihui was still thinking about the bad guy she met on the train, Wang Guorong gave her an approving look, this lesbian was too conscientious.

"not yet."

He sighed, these lurking traitors are all cunning!
"The superiors asked me to take a look at your recovery. We will hold a commendation meeting and award you medals."

Female leaders put more emphasis on Qiu Lihong, after all, she is her subordinate.

So when she was talking, she habitually looked at her with pride in her eyes. This is the comrade she brought out.

"We can leave the hospital at any time, and the wound has fully healed."

When Lu Sihui heard what the female leader said, her eyes lit up. As long as she stepped forward, the dean would have to let her go.

She didn't want to stay in the hospital for a day. After staying for a long time, it was like rust on a good machine, and she felt uncomfortable all over.

"Well, I'll talk to the dean in a while, and if the situation permits, I will award you medals the day after tomorrow."

The female leader nodded, looking at Lu Sihui's gleaming black eyes and her energetic condition, she didn't look like a patient either.


Qiu Lihong was the first to applaud. She has lived in the hospital enough, especially when people look at her wounds every day, and the position is so awkward, she is too embarrassed.

I would rather go back to the unit and take care of it slowly than stay in the hospital for an extra day.

"Leader, I want to help you catch that bad guy."

If Lu Sihui didn't catch the last villain, she always felt that she had something to do.

She was surprised that when the robot also failed, why did it disconnect?
When attacking the foreign guests, two villains were found. I saw an iron-blooded man trying to catch them. I don't know if they were caught or not?

Wang Guorong nodded happily, Lu Sihui is definitely a rare spy talent.

Calm, calm, smart, and courageous, she has all of them, and her inner quality is particularly good.

In the two-day competition, Zhou Zixu's results were all first, and Zhong Guoqiang was very tight with him, and every time they were only one or two points away.

This made him even more unwilling. For the last test item, he vowed to suppress Zhou Zixu.

(End of this chapter)

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