Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1232 Can't afford to lose this round

Chapter 1232 Can't afford to lose this round
Zhou Zixu opened his mouth suddenly, attracting Zhong Guoqiang, who had been aggrieved and resentful all the time.

Facing Zhou Zixu's confident eyes, Zhong Zhiqiang suddenly became more angry, and stared at Zhou Zixu with red eyes: "Don't deceive others too much, I want to win, but I don't even bother to let you give me the first place."

"What are you thinking? Who said that I will give you the first place?"

Zhou Zixu sneered, as if Zhong Guoqiang had said something ridiculous.

"Then what do you mean?"

Zhong Guoqiang almost vomited blood from his anger, gritted his teeth and asked him.

"All the previous competitions are not counted. As long as you beat me on this sand table, you will be the first. If you lose, you don't have to be weird, and go back to the unit honestly to review your own shortcomings. How about it? I Is this proposal very fair, given you a chance, it depends on whether you want it or not?"

Zhou Zixu smiled lightly, and looked closely at Zhong Guoqiang. The inadvertent light in his eyes made people dare not underestimate him.

The leader who came to see the final exam looked at Zhou Zixu with interest, is this kid crazy enough?

However, he is confident enough, his eyes are wrinkled and bright, and in terms of momentum, Zhong Guoqiang has been compared.

"Instructor, can you?"

Zhong Guoqiang was excited, his blood was boiling, as if he had won the first place,

Excitedly looking at the instructor, he didn't force Zhou Zixu to do this, but he himself asked for such a comparison.

He is confident that he can beat him in this game. The leaders are all there. Seeing his excellent commanding ability, they will definitely be impressed by him.

Zhou Zixu looked at him calmly, put his hands behind his back, and his eyes were full of confidence.

Instructor Sun glared at Zhou Zixu, and this kid acted like a moth again.

"Nonsense, this is an exam, do you think it's your unit's practice ground?"

He taught the two of them in a cold voice, one was too arrogant, almost to the point of being defiant.

The other one is too competitive, and gets angry when he loses, which is very petty in this regard.

"Instructor, ask the leader for instructions."

Zhou Zixu looked at him with a smile, and his attitude was very good. In front of the leader, he would not conflict with the instructor.

"No, there are no doors."

Sun Guohao glared at him, waved his big hand mercilessly, and rejected his request.

Stupid or not?The leaders are all here, talking too much, isn't it embarrassing to lose?

He was already firmly number one, so what are you talking about?
It seems that he is capable?This is not personal heroism, it is crazy ignorance of the heights of the sky and the earth.

The leader looked at the three of them with interest, and seeing that Instructor Sun refused, he called the guards over and whispered orders to him.

"The leader said yes."

When the leader spoke, Sun Guohao didn't dare to object, so he gave Zhou Zixu a hard look, to see why he was crying for a while?
Well first don't, no one is pitiful if you lose.

When Zhong Guoqiang heard the leader's words, he was secretly happy at first, but now he felt a lot of pressure.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that Zhou Zixu let him put aside the first place he got and gave him a chance to win.

In this case, winning may not be very glorious. With Zhou Zixu's handicap, the gold content of the first place becomes worthless.

lost?That would make it even more obvious that he is inferior to Zhou Zixu in everything, just like playing chess, people let you go, and you still lose, the level is not a little bit,

He glared at Zhou Zixu angrily, saying that no matter whether he wins or loses, his face will not look good today.

It was because of this that he added [-] points to be careful, feeling that he couldn't afford to lose this round.

Compared with him, Zhou Zixu looked relaxed and at ease.

Looking at the sand table in front of him with a baton as if he was playing, his smiling eyes gleamed with the confidence to win.

(End of this chapter)

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