Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1237 is as light as an ape

Chapter 1237 is as light as an ape

Zhong Guoqiang was upset and didn't want to hear Zhou Zixu's voice at all. He talked and laughed with his comrades, and what he heard was like laughing at him.

Looking anxiously at the office building, seeing Sun Guohao coming out, he greeted him and asked.

"Yes, but safety first."

Sun Guohao nodded. The principal felt that they were all friends who were diligent in training, so there was nothing wrong with arranging to learn from each other.

"Go, go to the back of the building."

Zhong Guoqiang rubbed his hands excitedly, walked up to Zhou Zixu who was chatting and laughing, and extended an invitation in a cold voice.

Zhou Zixu looked back at him, and found that there was a dark light in his eyes, as if he had the confidence to win, and he was ambitious.

This makes him feel very funny, and he hasn't won yet!What are you excited about?

The corners of his mouth curled up, and he smiled indifferently, as if playing with an ignorant child, he didn't take it seriously at all.

What annoyed Zhong Guoqiang the most was his indifferent look, as if he was sure of winning again.

Grinding his teeth, this time, he wanted to let Zhou Zixu know that he is not a god, and there is always something inferior to a human being.

He strode forward to lead the way, his eyes flashed with the light of standing, he walked fast with the wind under his feet.

Zhou Zixu was tall, with long legs, and seemed to be following him leisurely, his steps were not too fast or slow, but Zhong Guoqiang didn't let him go.

With his hands behind his back, Sun Guohao followed behind them with a majestic expression, his brows were furrowed, and he was worried about Zhou Zixu in his heart, and he couldn't tell why?
I was angry at him for contradicting me before, but now I start to worry about him. What kind of magical power does this kid have?Those students also had a hot fight with him.

Which one of the students is not an outstanding talent in Junzhong, and it is not difficult for them to climb high.

However, the general training is just to go up to a bungalow, with a height of about two meters, and the height of this three-story building is about eight meters, which has a certain degree of danger.

Asking myself that it is not impossible to go up, but I dare not compete with others, and it is easy to fall off if I am distracted.

Soon came to the back of the teaching building, the smooth wall, only the windows to stand on.

"let's start!"

Zhong Guoqiang started to move his hands and feet when he arrived at the place, looked at Zhou Zixu coldly, saw him moving his joints absent-mindedly, and even twisted his knees there, anyway, he didn't like it, so he urged Zhou Zixu to hurry up.

"Instructor, please mark down the time. Everyone, step back, so that we don't fall and hit you."

Zhou Zixu didn't look at him, first he asked the instructor to record the time, and then he didn't forget to joke with his comrades.


Zhong Guoqiang snorted coldly, with impatience in his eyes, he spat on the palm of his hand, and looked at the window sill confidently, he had already decided where to climb up.

"Okay, get ready, start."

Instructor Sun looked at his watch, raised his big hand, and waved his hand when it was on time, giving instructions.

Zhong Guoqiang had already pre-empted the attack, jumped onto the windowsill on the first floor, jumped up, grabbed the window sill on the second floor, put his feet on the wall, and he had already reached the second floor. This speed is not slow, and it is sensitive enough.

Although Zhou Zixu started a second later than him, his speed was not unreasonable, and he was taller than Zhong Guoqiang. Zhong Guoqiang had to jump to catch the window sill on the second floor. Living on the window sill on the second floor, with one hand propped up, people go up, and then on the third floor, the tall body is as light as an ape.

Zhong Guoqiang was too competitive, and when he went up by himself, he couldn't help but look at Zhou Zixu. Seeing that he was also coming up, and the speed was not slower than himself, he anxiously grabbed the window sill on the third floor.

(End of this chapter)

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