Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1241 Am I Really Fragrant?

Chapter 1241 Am I Really Fragrant?
Li Mingying was alone in the dormitory. She missed Sun Guohao and Lu Sihui. The saddest thing was losing a good sister.

The hatred in Lu Sihui's eyes made her feel uncomfortable. She really cared about herself and cured her illness.

Now she found that she no longer had that embarrassing smell in her body. Lu Sihui not only treated her, but also taught her to straighten her spine.

It is also because of this that Sun Guohao can find out that he likes himself?

Staring at the starry sky outside the window in a daze, Sun Guohao took the students to dinner tonight, bought her biscuits, asked her to make do with it, and said to bring her delicious food tonight, but it’s been a while, so shouldn’t Will it be coming?
Sighing, he stood up, ready to wash and sleep.

But as soon as he went to insert the door, the door was pushed open. With a smile on his face, Sun Guohao held up the lunch box in his hand to her.

"Mingying, I've brought you food."

He laughed?Li Mingying looked at him in disbelief. In my memory, this man didn't seem to have smiled?

She foolishly took the lunch box, but went to close the door with her hand.

"I watch you eat."

Sun Guohao was reluctant to leave, and stepped into the room, looking at Li Mingying with shining eyes, as if there were flames beating in his eyes.

"Ahem, it's too late, you go back!"

Li Mingying blushed when he saw him, lowered her head, and chased him away in a low voice, but her voice was not very sure.

I secretly hoped that he could stay.

"I feed you."

Fortunately, Sun Guohao didn't seem to understand her words at all, he took her hand and proposed hastily.

"I eat it myself."

Li Mingying looked at him in embarrassment, she is not a child, should I still be fed?

The machismo Sun Guohao simply told her, not asking for her opinion.

"Open your mouth, ah."

Li Mingying couldn't help crying when she saw the spoon handed to her mouth, she had no choice but to open her mouth to eat it.

One spoonful, one spoonful, he was really patient and kept feeding it.

Li Mingying felt very embarrassed at the beginning, but later she felt very sweet and happy. Even though the food in her mouth was cold, she also felt that it was extraordinarily delicious.

Getting closer, Sun Guohao breathed the fragrance of her daughter, and his eyes were a little confused. She used to smell very strong, which is why he didn't want to get close to her or marry her.

But today, being so close, he could only smell a faint fragrance, nothing else.

And this fragrance ignited the fire in his heart, his blood began to boil, he knew clearly that he wanted her.

Grabbing her shoulders with both hands, she was really thin. Her weak shoulders helped him carry the burden of the whole family, but he didn't know how to be grateful. What a bastard.

Looking at Li Mingying with pity in his eyes, his voice was hoarse, and he only shouted one word, which was indescribably ambiguous.

"Ying, you smell so good."

Li Mingying looked at him excitedly: "Really? I really smell good?"

She was not confident before, thinking it was a psychological effect, she couldn't smell it, but others could smell it.

So, when she heard Sun Guohao's words, she was so happy that she wanted to jump up.

"Really, let me intoxicated."

Sun Guohao stared at her with his head down, his flushed face was reflected in those big bright and clear eyes.

Use force with your hands to pull people into the bad situation, don't let your mouth rain down, just like his previous domineering, don't give Li Mingying a chance to say no.


The intoxicating smell of alcohol and the masculine breath on his body made Li Mingying intoxicated. She wanted to struggle, but she raised her hand, but she didn't drop it. Instead, she hugged his strong waist and stood on tiptoe.

"Ying, I want you."

(End of this chapter)

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