Chapter 1246
The wound on Lu Sihui's shoulder was only lightly sutured, and it was indeed healed, but Zhou Zixu was still worried, and felt that if he was with his wife at this time, he would be inhuman.

"Sihui, I watch you sleep, but don't move or look around."

With great effort, she retracted her gaze, her complexion was rarely serious, mainly because Sihui was such a tormenting little villain sometimes.

He asked himself that he had no resistance to her.


Lu Sihui smiled brightly, and agreed happily, and really walked back, and lay down properly.

So obedient?

Zhou Zixu looked at her suspiciously, Sihui's character is not like this, she must have a trick?

He took the dirty water out of the basin, he went out to calm down first, and then he spoke.

After pouring the water, he smoked a cigarette outside the guest house, admiring the bright moon in the sky, watching a little bit of starlight, and the happiest thing was seeing shooting stars.

That bright color pierced the sky, leaving a dazzling light. He heard that making a wish against a shooting star is the most spiritual. He closed his eyes and made a wish on the shooting star.

"I hope that Sihui will never get hurt again, it hurts her body, it hurts in my heart, I hope we can grow old forever."

After making a wish, looking up at the starry sky, where is the shadow of the shooting star?It seems like it was just an illusion.

"You actually believe this?"

Zhou Zixu laughed self-deprecatingly, he should have calmed down, and he finally turned around and went back to the house.

Pushing open the door, the room was very quiet, the headlights were turned off, only the desk lamp on the bedside table was left, the bright yellow light, the light was very dim, and it felt hazy.

Sihui was lying on the bed with her back to him, with a thin quilt covering her armpits. This sleeping position showed her curvaceous beauty, faintly visible under the dim light.

Zhou Zixu frowned and looked at that the door was not locked, and he was not in the room, what would others do if he came in?
He hung the door behind his back, walked over with long legs, lay down in a vest and shorts, and reached out to turn off the desk lamp.

Now even the dim light is gone.

The curtains in the guest house are very thin, and the white ones are easy to transmit light. The faint moonlight shines in, and the moon is hazy and the birds are hazy.
Zhou Zixu took a deep breath, suppressed the thoughts in his heart, closed his eyes and fell asleep, and didn't think about anything.

Lu Sihui already knew when he entered the room. She could hear his breathing, his breath, and the sound of his walking.

With his back facing him, he couldn't see, but his hearing was extremely sensitive.

He walked over and lay down, the smell of soap mixed with the smell of tobacco rushed into her breath.

Her whole body seemed to be thrown into the fire, her throat was dry, and she swallowed hard.

Suddenly feel like what are you doing?She and Zixu are an old couple, okay?
Why do you feel as nervous as a newlywed?
Turn around, close your eyes, hug Zixu, this is a domineering pillow situation.

Zhou Zixu looked sideways at his wife, did he do it on purpose?
What can be seen is a sleeping face, this is asleep, hug him as a pillow?

Carefully trying to move her arm away, she just didn't let go and gritted her teeth. Sihui must have done this on purpose?
"Hiss, Sihui, didn't I tell you not to?"

He gasped, gritted his teeth and said, he's sure she's pretending to be asleep?
Lu Sihui remained silent, still in a deep sleep, as if dissatisfied with being disturbed, only wearing a hurdle vest, it was inevitable that they would bump into each other.

Zhou Zixu glared at Sihui angrily, gritted his teeth and whispered a warning.

"Take your hands away, or you will suffer the consequences."

(End of this chapter)

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