Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1248 Remember who this person is?

Chapter 1248 Remember who this person is?

"Master, buy it first!"

Young people respect the old and love the young, so they give up their place to him.

It was also because of this that Lu Sihui glanced this way, panic flashed in the old man's eyes, he simply didn't buy it, turned around and left without even saying thank you.

He is obviously an old man on the verge of decay, yet he can walk like flying?

Lu Sihui raised her eyebrows, thinking that Leader Wang said that people's eyes can tell if he has a ghost in his heart?
Moreover, this person's eyes are very familiar, search memory, remember who this person is?
Teng stood up and said, "I'll go arrest people"

She ran away after she finished speaking, without giving Zhou Zixu and Li Yanhong any time to react.

"I gonna go see."

Zhou Zixu didn't feel relieved, he stood up and followed after him.

When the old man turned the corner, he turned his head and saw Lu Sihui and Zhou Zixu chasing him, so he ran away in fright.

There are many alleys here, and when you get into it, you will make seven turns and eight turns, and the figure will soon disappear.

A pedestrian was hit by him, and it was strange that such an old man could run faster than a rabbit?
Lu Sihui chased into the alley, and there was a fork in front of him. I don't know which side he got into?
"You go there, I'll chase this way."

When Lu Sihui heard footsteps behind her, she knew that Zixu was following without turning her head. She hurriedly said something to him, and then walked towards the alley on the right to chase after her.

"It's an old man, Whitebeard."

Zhou Zixu just wanted to ask who to pursue, but Lu Sihui's voice told her.

If you know the physical characteristics, then go after it!
The hutongs are like a hole in the wire, with complex twists and turns. Some people get out of the door and cook outside in twos and threes, which is a bit in the way.

"Did you see an old man running past here?"

Zhou Zixu looked at the two briquette stoves in front of him. There were iron pots on the stoves, which were so steaming that only one person could pass through.

Two men from City B were there fanning the wind, chatting while waiting for the meal to be served.

He decided to ask, so as to save himself from running around.

"No! You came here by yourself this early in the morning."

The two men looked at him, they were quite enthusiastic, full of the taste of Beijing movies.

"Thank you."

Zhou Zixu thanked him, then ran into the alley on the right, turned left and right, at breakfast time, there were quite a lot of people, even after asking, he didn't see an old man passing by.

"Isn't it here?"

Zhou Zixu frowned, turned around and looked back.

Seeing his daughter-in-law's nervous appearance, that person should be a bad guy. He was worried about her recovering from a serious illness, so she went to fight the bad guy alone.

Besides, Lu Sihui chased after her all the way, and ran through two alleys without finding anyone. She saw that there was no one around, so she gave orders to the robot in the space capsule.

"Search for the old man I chased just now."

After giving the order, she continued to search.

The robot is a bit bad. The target he is tracking can't keep up if he changes his clothes.

This point was discovered after meeting those bad guys on the train.

Best of all, the old man hasn't had time to change his clothes yet, so he can be caught quickly, which will save trouble.

"Turn left, turn right again, the third alley, then turn left again, in the house on the left in a courtyard."

Soon the robot came to report, and after hearing this, Lu Sihui ran into the alley on the left.

Zhou Zixu happened to run to the spot where Lu Sihui had just stayed.

I glanced left and right, hesitated for a moment, and chased into the alley on the left.

Lu Sihui quickly found the courtyard house mentioned by the robot.

The door was wide open, and several families in the courtyard were cooking outside, chatting with each other.

The door on the left was closed tightly. She stepped into the yard and looked sharply at the house on the left.

"Comrade, who are you looking for?"

(End of this chapter)

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