Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1269 The Hare Lost Something Strangely

Chapter 1269 The Hare Lost Something Strangely
"It's already dead. If Swift likes rabbits, tomorrow mother will go to the mountain to catch two little ones for you to feed."

Lu Sihui squatted down to coax her daughter. At this time, there were still few toys, and the child had nothing to play with.

"Still going?"

After hearing this, Aunt Su hurriedly raised her voice and asked Lu Sihui.

"Aunt Su, it's okay, don't worry!"

Lu Sihui shook her head helplessly, threw the rabbit outside the door, and cleaned up after eating.

"Grandpa, I'll roast a hare for you tonight."

During the meal, Lu Sihui gave Grandpa a surprise.

"Okay! I haven't eaten for a long time, and grandpa is really hungry."

Mr. Zhou nodded happily. Ever since Sihui came in, he has eaten wild game.

After talking and laughing after dinner, Aunt Su went out with a sharp kitchen knife, planning to clean up the hares.

"Sihui, where did you throw the rabbit?"

Aunt Su searched in front of the door, turned around and returned to the house, but the hare was gone.

"Just throw it to the right of the door."

Lu Sihui put on her shoes and walked out, the door was empty, the hare really disappeared.

"This is a family building? We have never lost anything! Who stole it?"

Aunt Su got angry and shouted loudly.

"Aunt Su, don't get excited."

This is a family building, and the quality of the iron-blooded man and his family members are very good, no one will do anything sneaky.

It's not good for others to hear Aunt Su making such a fuss.

"I lost it after just a few minutes. It's really annoying."

Aunt Su was obviously still very angry, and Lu Sihui didn't cheat anyone, she glanced around.

I always feel that the hare is a bit strange. It is impossible for an adult to do this. It can only be a child. I like it and want to take it back to raise.

"It's a waste. I could have stewed meat for my children."

Aunt Su was still thinking about it behind her, and Lu Sihui simply walked towards the backyard of the family building.

As a result of observing around just now, I saw a child running towards the backyard with cabbage leaves in his hand.

The rabbit's favorite food is cabbage, so she decided to take a look at it.

"Sihui, what are you doing?"

Aunt Su yelled at her, Lu Sihui raised her hand and waved it, but didn't speak, and speeded up to catch up with the child.

Following him all the way, I saw three five or six-year-old children sitting on the flower bed with a hare.

Seeing the kid running over with cabbage leaves, one of the chubby little boys shouted, "Guorong, hurry up, the rabbit is going to die."

Lu Sihui rubbed her forehead, these gangsters are quite caring.

But there's something wrong with this look, it's obviously a dead rabbit, can't you tell?
"Rabbit, eat it quickly! You won't die if you eat it."

Several children surrounded the hare and stuffed cabbage leaves into its mouth. Lu Sihui walked over and asked seriously, "What are you doing?"

"Shh, don't disturb the rabbit."

The little boy who took the lead was not only not afraid, but also made a cautious gesture to Lu Sihui, and said to her in a very low voice.

Then, he turned around and continued to stuff cabbage into the mouth of the dead rabbit.

Lu Sihui was a little dumbfounded, these children can find flowers.

"Didn't your parents tell you that you can't steal things from other people's homes?"

With a straight face and hands behind his back, his voice became cold.

"We're saving the rabbits."

The little boy blushed, put his hands on his hips, and confronted Lu Sihui.

A tiger-headed little guy with bright eyes, when he is angry, his cheeks puff up, his little nose twitches, and he looks aggrieved.

Lu Sihui smiled, put her arms around her chest, and asked him condescendingly: "What's your name? Whose child is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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