Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1271 It seems to be quite good after eating

Chapter 1271 It seems to be quite good after eating
With her hands behind her back, Lu Sihui followed Wang Mingyuan leisurely, and when she reached the woods, she saw the three panicked little guys.

One of them she knew was Xiao Qiang, who used to laugh at Dong Sheng as a wild child. Seeing her, he was obviously very nervous, his eyes were dodgy and he lowered his head, not daring to raise his head when he looked at his toes.

"Listen to my order. We only have half an hour. We must save the hare. Otherwise, this cruel aunt will take the hare back to eat meat. Do you hear me?"

As soon as Xiao Mingyuan entered the woods, his face became sullen, with his hands behind his back, he ordered the other three children seriously.

That posture is really a bit like the training captain in the unit.


The other three children stood up and answered with salute.


Lu Sihui shook her head amusedly, and she liked Wang Mingyuan more and more.

This kid, if he is guided well, he can become a master.

Next, the four children rescued the hare, some shook their arms, some shook their legs, and some stroked the hare's heart.

"Little rabbit, wake up quickly, or this cruel aunt will eat you."

Xiao Mingyuan's words almost made Lu Sihui bleed, when did she become a cruel aunt?

She doesn't like this nickname.

Raising his wrist and looking at his watch, he wondered that he was messing around with these little guys?

As time passed by, beads of sweat appeared on Xiao Mingyuan's head, his face was flushed, and he continued to rescue the hare unwilling to admit defeat.

"Okay, the time is up, I would like to admit defeat, the hare is dead, return it to me!"

Holding time, Lu Sihui gave the order with a stern face.

"Head, what should I do?"

Xiaoqiang asked Wang Mingyuan in a low voice, looked at Lu Sihui secretly, and was so frightened by her eyes that he lowered his head hastily.

"Give it back to her, Auntie Cruel."

Xiao Mingyuan gritted his teeth and stood up, glaring at Lu Sihui, and gave orders to Xiaoqiang and the others.

Lu Sihui saw the resentment hidden in the little guy's eyes, she pursed her mouth tightly and clenched her fists.

"Don't call me Auntie Cruel, call me Auntie Lu."

She looked at Wang Mingyuan seriously, and corrected him to call her own name.

"Hmph, if you kill a rabbit so cute, you are a cruel aunt."

Who knew that Wang Mingyuan was stubborn and refused to change his name, and was not afraid of Lu Sihui's coercion at all.

"Little rascal."

Lu Sihui was also angry, and gave him a nickname. The little guy glared at her angrily. His eyes were wide open like that, as if he wanted to fight her hard, but he tried his best to bear it.


Lu Sihui couldn't help laughing, and looked at him amusedly, took the hare handed over by Xiaoqiang, and waved it in front of Xiao Mingyuan's eyes: "I took it away, and bet with me next time, remember not to lose!"

Xiao Mingyuan glared at her, and he didn't stop until he saw Lu Sihui leave with the rabbit and disappeared.

"Let's plan how to avenge the hare."

Quickly summoned the brothers, the four little heads got together and chatted to discuss.

Lu Sihui carried the hare back to her door, sneezed several times, rubbed her nose, and frowned: "Who is speaking ill of me?"

Pushing the door open and entering the room, I saw my daughter and younger brother playing, looking very unhappy, it was useless for Jianguo to coax her with glass marbles.

Aunt Su came out when she heard the sound of the door, she still had an apron around her waist, wiped her hands on the apron, and asked a question.

"Sihui, did you find it?"

"I found it, and it was rescued by a few children."

Lu Sihui smiled and handed the rabbit to Aunt Su. Little Swift over there heard the word "rabbit", ran over with her little meaty legs, hugged Lu Sihui and raised her head to ask her.

"Mom, who stole the rabbit?"

(End of this chapter)

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