Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1273 Who gave them the courage?

Chapter 1273 Who gave them the courage?
Jiang Guorong and Mu Changjiang were also swallowing their saliva there, but they didn't speak. They looked down at Wang Mingyuan, waiting for his order.

"Don't touch the fire, mom goes in and gets something."

Lu Sihui took a look, she forgot to take the brush and soybean oil, when roasting the rabbit, it would be more fragrant if brushed with some oil.


Dongsheng pulled his sister back, the fire started, it was so hot.

"Don't go near the fire, do you hear me?"

Lu Sihui was worried, and gave instructions before leaving.

"Understood, auntie."

Dong Sheng obediently agreed, and Lu Sihui went back to the house in peace.

Her speed was not slow anymore. When she entered the door, she looked for a bowl, poured a little soybean oil, and wasted a minute looking for a brush. When she came out, she saw that a fight had started outside. A little boy threw sand into the fire, and the flames were blown away. scattered.

Dongsheng fell to the ground and was beaten by two boys riding on him. Yuyan cried to protect her brother, but was hugged by a boy and would not let go.

This scene is too chaotic.

"What are you doing?"

Lu Sihui threw down the bowl and rushed over, carrying one in each hand, and picked up the little guy who beat Dongsheng.

"Mom, they beat my brother."

When Swift saw her mother, she ran over crying, and the little one was frightened.

"It's over?"

After Lu Sihui saw clearly that those were the four naughty boys just now, she yelled angrily, it was too much, and they actually hit the door?Who gave them the guts?

"Comrades, retreat."

While she was yelling, Wang Mingyuan yelled at the remaining three little boys, rushed over and bit her hand holding Xiaoqiang, and slapped her arm holding Mu Changjiang desperately.

He looked heroic, but it was Lu Sihui who was facing him, and he was easily subdued. Of the four little guys, only one escaped.

The remaining three were caught by Lu Sihui, Yuyan cried and helped her brother up, Dongsheng also had a backbone, his nose was bleeding from the blow, he just didn't cry, and clenched his fists like a little leopard.

"Many people bully few people, I am not convinced."

What he hates is Xiaoqiang. He used to call him a bastard, but now he still hits him, so after he finished speaking, he rushed over with his fists waving.

"No fights."

Grandpa Zhou ran out of the house when he heard his great-granddaughter crying, and saw Dongsheng was like a mud monkey, with a bloody nose, and rushed to beat him again.

Busily went over to hold him back, looked at his daughter-in-law and asked, "Sihui, what's going on?"

"Dad, these naughty boys first secretly took the hare away, then ran to point the fire at the fire and poured sand out, and beat Dongsheng."

Lu Sihui briefly explained the matter, and Mr. Zhou was amused. He looked around, and his eyes fell on Wang Mingyuan, who was seven dissatisfied and eight dissatisfied.

"Stinky boy, if you don't ask yourself, you are a thief. I'll go find your grandfather."

Mr. Zhou hooked the tip of his nose and threatened him.

"I'm not stealing, I'm saving rabbits."

Xiao Mingyuan was still stalking his neck, he was planning to attack quickly, just put out the fire with sand.

Who knew that when Dong Sheng rose up to resist, he was the one who hit someone first.

"Rescue the rabbit?"

Mr. Zhou seems to have heard a joke. What are these children thinking in their heads?
"Grandpa, they are robbers, they want to rob the rabbit."

Dongsheng pointed at Xiaoqiang and complained loudly to his grandfather.

This is not wronging them, that's what Dongsheng thinks, that's why he protects his homeland.

"No, we are going to save the rabbit."

Wang Mingyuan growled at Dongsheng like an angry little lion. If Grandpa Zhou hadn't pulled him, he might have rushed over to fight Dongsheng.

"Mom, I'm afraid."

(End of this chapter)

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