Chapter 1290
Zhou Zixu listened attentively, then nodded, "It's someone calling for help. It's in the front. Let's go and have a look."

The wind was strong and there were many trees. It was not easy to distinguish the direction of the shout. Fortunately, he had been trained to judge it from the direction of the wind, so he didn't go wrong.

"Help, oops, don't bite me."

Sun Guodong was thrown down by the wild wolf, and the wolf habitually wanted to bite off his throat, but Sun Guodong raised his arm to block it.

The neck was not bitten off, but the arm was bitten tightly by the wild wolf, and he was dragged into the woods forcefully.

The blood flowed down the wolf teeth, which aroused the wildness of the wolf even more. It felt that Sun Guodong was dishonest, and it planned to bite off his nose.

Let go of his arm, rushed to bite down on the throat, Sun Guodong turned over in a crisis, narrowly dodging its thunderous blow.

But the wolf was much faster than him, and rushed over again, leaving a deep scratch on his face with its claws.

His bones were visible, and Sun Guodong screamed in pain and covered his face.

What I care about most is this face. If it is disfigured, I will never even think about marrying a wife in this life.

He was rolling on the ground, but the wolf seemed to be playing with him, not in a hurry to kill him, biting his leg for a while and dragging, then dropping his leg for a while, and biting his arm again.

In a blink of an eye, Sun Guodong turned into a man of blood. Fear and pain made his voice change.


After shouting hoarsely, he was in despair, how could there be people in the forest at night?

He will definitely die in the wolf's mouth today, and growled unwillingly: "Don't eat me, you are a beast."

His threat was of no use to the wolf, it had had enough of its prey, and it was going to kill him.

Jump up, pounce on Sun Guodong's throat, bite down, and you can have a big meal tonight.


Sun Guodong screamed, covered his face with his hands, and waited for death in despair.


After a sharp shout, there was the sound of a wolf howling, and the wild wolf that jumped into the air suddenly fell heavily on Sun Guodong, twitched a few times, stared at Sun Guodong unwillingly, kicked the wolf's paw, and died.

"Shut up."

It took Sun Guodong a long time to react. Looking at the wolf head lying next to his face with half of his tongue sticking out, he pushed the wild wolf away with all his strength, turned over and spit on the grass.

"Are you OK?"

Zhou Zixu ran over. The situation was urgent just now. He threw out the dagger, but fortunately he was still in time to save people.


Sun Guodong was so frightened that he trembled all over and couldn't say a complete sentence at all.

The place where he was sitting was very dark, there were dense trees behind him, and the moonlight couldn't even illuminate his face, so Zhou Zixu didn't recognize who he was?
Lu Sihui, who came afterward, smelled the pungent smell of blood in the air, covered her mouth suddenly, and ran to the side of a big tree to vomit.

"Sihui, don't come here."

Zhou Zixu cried out in distress, and Sun Guodong, who was trembling on the ground, stopped trembling strangely after hearing Lu Sihui's name, and looked at her stupidly.

She saved him, proving that she still has herself in her heart?
Just about to call out her name, Sun Guodong held back when he saw Zhou Zixu beside him.

Now is not the time, if Zhou Zixu knows who he is?I will definitely not care about him, and I will be the one who will be unlucky at that time.

"Can you still go?"

Zhou Zixu pulled the dagger from the wolf, wiped off the blood on it, put it back into the scabbard, and then walked over to ask him.

Sun Guodong didn't dare to make a sound, but shook his head vigorously, pointing to his injured leg.

To save people to the end, Zhou Zixu would not leave people alone, squatted down, turned his back to Sun Guodong, and gave him an order.

"Come up, I'll carry you down the mountain."

(End of this chapter)

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