Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1294 There is still such a big show

Chapter 1294 There is such a big show

Zhao Yaozu held a torch to shine on Zhao Cuihua, and found that this person's eyes were a little dull, as if he didn't hear what he said, and was still crying.


It was close, so I could hear it clearly this time. Seeing that the village head was approaching, Sun Qiuju hesitated for a long time, and then timidly went over and whispered: "Mom, are you awake?"

"Qiu Ju."

Zhao Cuihua was crying sadly, when she saw her daughter coming, she instinctively wanted to hug her and cry out her grievances.

Because she had been lying on the ground for a long time, her hands were as cold as ice, and she just put them on Sun Qiuju's shoulders.


Feeling the ghost-like hand on her shoulder, Sun Qiuju screamed in fright.


It was dark before her eyes, and she fell to the ground.

"Strangled to death? Lao Zhao, come here quickly, she is really deceiving her corpse, and if she defrauds her corpse, she will find her relatives."

Zhou Bashi, who was in the crowd, saw Sun Qiuju pinched to the ground by Zhao Cuihua, so frightened, he rushed over to grab Zhao Yaozu, and shook the torch in his hand at Zhao Cuihua:

"Don't come here, I'll burn you to death."

Lu Sihui looked at these people amusedly, remembering the scene when she traveled here, these people also said that she was a fraud.

Seeing the fire approaching, Zhao Cuihua instinctively turned her face away and covered her face with her hands.

"Look, ghosts are afraid of fire. Everyone went over and tied her up, pulled off her fingernails, and then set her on fire and burned her to death."

Old man Liu, the trumpet maker, began to direct. He was told by his master before that if he encountered a fraudulent corpse, he would just do it, and he would be fine.

"Come on! People are not dead."

Zhao Yaozu could see clearly, when the torch flashed by, Zhao Cuihua's shadow was still on the ground!
"Impossible, she strangled her daughter to death, Lao Zhao, don't go there."

Zhou Bashi held him tightly, the two brothers had a good relationship, and he couldn't watch Lao Zhao die.

"It's really not dead."

Old Zhao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but when he saw Sun Boxiang who was hiding aside, he walked over and kicked him.

"That's your daughter-in-law, go and take care of it."

"I won't go, why are you so bad."

Sun Boxiang shrank into the crowd, accusing Zhao Yaozu of having no good intentions and trying to kill him.

"All give way."

Zhou Zixu pushed aside the crowd and walked in, threw Sun Guodong in front of Zhao Cuihua, and the son went to take care of his mother himself, nothing wrong.

"Ah, Mom, I was wrong. I shouldn't have pinched you, but I didn't mean to kill you. Please don't kill me. I'm afraid of death!"

Sun Guodong was thrown to the ground, and when he looked up, he was seen. His mother was looking at him.

The torch flickered, and Zhao Cuihua's face was flickering.

Sun Guodong was so frightened that he shivered, knelt down in front of his mother and kowtowed fiercely.

As a result, all the villagers present stared at him angrily.

Zhao Cuihua is not a very nice person, but she is still his real mother.

Listening to what Sun Qiuju and Sun Baixiang said, these people were not that angry yet, and Sun Guodong said it himself, which made these people feel unforgivable.

"I didn't expect that there would be such a big show!"

Lu Sihui looked at the scene in front of her with a half-smile. Sun Guodong hid in the mountains because he was afraid of being caught because he strangled him to death.

"Yeah, it's really interesting, villains can still fight with each other."

Zhou Zixu smiled, put his arms around his wife's shoulders, stared at Zhao Cuihua, and pinched Sun Guodong's neck with both hands.

"I love you and pet 1. You, do you want you to grow up and strangle me? Beast, I will strangle you first."

As soon as she made a move, the men who had been bold just now were also frightened and retreated wildly.

In this way, Lu Sihui and Zhou Zixu stood at the front.

(End of this chapter)

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