Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1305 Allow me to be proud for a while

Chapter 1305 Allow me to be proud for a while
The next step is to choose people to participate in the competition. Zhou Zixu followed Zhang Changshui to the practice field. The sun was shining hot and hot. The people on the ground were like prawns thrown into a big pot and steamed. was cooked.

The training at this moment is a heat-resistant event. Everyone stands on the training ground with their hands behind their backs, feet and shoulders, chests up and heads up, and are exposed to the sun.

As an instructor, Lu Sihui also stood in the same posture, standing upright in the sun, looking sharply at her stationmates.

When Zhou Zixu saw it, his heart ached, and he regretted agreeing to her as an instructor. With such a serious personality, it would be difficult for her to be lazy.

"Vice Captain Lu, go to my office, I have something to talk to you about."

Walking to Lu Sihui's side, he looked at her majesticly and gave serious orders.


Lu Sihui looked at him in puzzlement, and seeing that he was dignified and businesslike, she really believed that there was something to discuss.

After saluting, he walked towards the office with big strides.

She didn't see the slightly raised corners of Zhou Zixu's mouth and the relief in his eyes.

"Comrades, take it easy."

After Sihui left, Zhou Zixu walked to the front of the team with brisk steps, and after a sharp scan, he gave an order loudly.

"Good leadership."

The friends moved in unison and shouted even more in unison. Zhou Zixu nodded in satisfaction.

"Okay, here's a good news announcement. The superior has decided to hold a basketball game. Anyone who has played basketball can sign up at Zhang Changshui."

Zhou Zixu glanced around and announced loudly.


It can be clearly seen that several teammates have happy faces, obviously they all know how to play basketball.

Zhou Zixu knew the truth in his heart, he was the only one who couldn't.

Well, that's not a problem, he can get over it.

After arranging the tasks, he strode back to the office.

Lu Sihui is waiting for him in the office!It's nothing, just look at the calligraphy hanging on the wall, the bold font, and the domineering four big characters 'invincible'.

That feeling of arrogance and arrogance; rushing towards his face, was precisely from Zhou Zixu's handwriting.

Lu Sihui can imitate pen characters at all times, but she still can't learn brush characters, let alone write his domineering style.

The tip of the brush is too soft. She learned it twice, but it didn't suit her character at all, so she discarded it and didn't learn it.

I once asked Zhou Zixu why he was so patient!
I remember the rare seriousness in Zhou Zixu's eyes: "If I don't even have such a little patience and perseverance, how can I become an excellent commander?"

Lu Sihui still remembers his expression, seriousness, self-confidence, and his inherent arrogance.

Zhou Zixu returned to the office in a hurry, and when he pushed the door, he was very light.

As a result, Lu Sihui didn't notice that he came back at all, touching the brush writing on the wall with her little hand, her eyes were filled with rare admiration.

Zhou Zixu clasped his arms around his chest, and leaned lazily on the door frame, his peach blossom eyes gleamed with brilliance, admiring his wife's admiration for him.

Feeling that someone was looking at her from behind, Lu Sihui turned her face to look at the door, and saw Zhou Zixu's black eyes bright as stars, and saw the warm smile on the corner of his mouth.

She also smiled, glared at him with her watery eyes, and asked, "You're so mysterious, aren't you afraid to scare me?"

The corners of Zhou Zixu's mouth were raised, and his smile was like a beautiful poppy flower, with an enchanting charm in it!
"Let me be proud for a while."

In the lazy voice, there was triumph, and there was pride in the smile.

"Vice Minister Zhou, what are you proud of?"

Lu Sihui looked at him with her neck crooked, her beautiful eyes flashed brightly, and she squinted slightly, her voice became a little more mellow, in Zhou Zixu's eyes, she was enjoying herself.

(End of this chapter)

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