Chapter 1311
Zhou Zixu called Wang Guoqiang into the house, and Aunt Su was busy preparing food and drinks. Lu Sihui went upstairs to rest without any help.

A pregnant woman is sleepy. The men drink and drink endlessly, and she has no time to accompany her.

Zhou Zixu took off his uniform when he got home, and was only wearing a white shirt with two buttons undone casually, revealing his sexy Adam's apple.

The cuffs were rolled up high, revealing the wheat color, showing the muscles and veins, the powerful arms, exuding the charm of a mature man from top to bottom.

Picking up the teapot on the coffee table and pouring tea for Wang Guoqiang, he asked him while pouring: "Brother Wang, the higher-ups is holding a basketball match, will you participate?"

"Our team also participated, but I didn't sign up, my arm was injured, and I couldn't compete with those students (meaning the strong guy)"

"Will Brother Wang know how to play basketball?"

Zhou Zixu smiled and handed over the teacup. He doesn't know anything about basketball now. Threesomes must have my teacher. He hopes to learn more.

"I can do it, but I can't, why do you want to participate?"

Wang Guoqiang said modestly, picked up the teacup and took a sip, the fragrance of the tea lingered endlessly in his mouth, what a good tea!

"Yeah, I'm participating and I want to play forward."

Zhou Zixu smiled, bared his small white teeth, and smiled brightly.

Wang Guoqiang looked at him, this man looks so envious of women, he was a well-known playboy in the compound.

But later, he won the championship year after year in the arena, became famous in one fell swoop, and counterattacked the stupid birds who flew first.

"I guess if you play, basically nobody else has anything to do?"

Wang Guoqiang said with a smile, height itself is an advantage, his physical fitness is good, and there are not many people who can knock him away in a confrontation.

After speaking, he took another sip from the teacup and savored it carefully.

"But... one thing, I don't know how to play basketball."

Zhou Zixu spit out the tea that Wang Guoqiang just drank into his mouth with a word.

When Zhou Zixu saw this, he quickly handed him the towel. Why did this person react so violently?

"Ahem. You don't know how to play? Then why don't you choose a defender?"

Wang Guoqiang choked into his trachea and coughed badly.

Staring at the innocent and helpless Zhou Zixu, where did he get the confidence to play forward?

"I like to attack."

Zhou Zixu bared his teeth and smiled, his lazy voice and arrogant look made Wang Guoqiang helplessly shake his head.

Being unruly and unruly, one has to divide one's location. On the basketball court, arrogance alone is not enough. If there are certain rules, one cannot violate them.

"Brother Wang, if you are familiar with it, tell me about the general rules, and what should be paid attention to in offense and defense?"

Zhou Zixu's dark eyes looked at Wang Guoqiang confidently, as if he knew the general situation, and he would definitely win.

Zhang Changshui talked to him all afternoon, but this kid's expressive ability was too poor, he couldn't understand what he said, and he was confused, so he felt that it was a [-] coach, and if he pointed at him, he might lose.

"Haha, Zixu, why did you invite me to dinner?"

Wang Guoqiang looked at him funny, just say?How can I invite you to dinner as soon as we meet, so there is another trick?
"I've inquired about it. You used to be on the Bayi basketball team, so I want to worship you as a teacher. I didn't expect you to come here. Then it's better to meet by chance than to meet each other. I also ask Brother Wang for help."

Zhou Zixu was stunned for a moment, and he felt sour even when he was biting the words.

But this is the high team in front of you, so you should say something nice.

Wang Guoqiang looked at him and asked puzzledly.

"I heard that your elder brother can also play basketball, and he's pretty good at it! Why don't you ask him to teach you?"

(End of this chapter)

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