Chapter 1317
"Deputy leader Zhou, we are afraid of disturbing you. We didn't expect you to be so good at playing basketball. We admire you so much. Can you let us join the Falcon?"

The team leader who led the team saluted Zhou Zixu, looking at him with burning admiration.

Zhou Zixu's smile was deeper and more complacent. Modesty is not his style.

"If you want to get into Falcon, you have to have real skills. I don't want to dawdle."

Walking towards the basketball with long, enviably straight legs, he had to pick it up.

Immediately, a small stationmate who was about to come ran over, picked up the basketball, and gave it to Zhou Zixu with both hands, with a very respectful attitude.

"You are not bad! Train well, as long as you can meet the training standards of Falcon, I will let you in."

Zhou Zixu took the basketball, patted him on the shoulder, and looked at the little stationmate appreciatively.

"Yes, we must work hard to get into the Falcon as soon as possible."

Several stationmates saluted together and answered with excited voices.

After playing basketball for more than an hour, the smell of alcohol on Zhou Zixu's body had already flowed down with his sweat.

When I got home, I took a basin of cold water by myself, and stood in the bathroom with only my big trousers on, with my head down.

The cold water stimulated the sweat pores all over his body to close quickly, and all the sweat on his body was washed away.

Apply it all over the body with soap, the smell of soap should cover the smell of sweat and alcohol.
In the early morning of the next day, Lu Sihui woke up, stretched a lot, and moved the bones in her body. When her hand fell, it seemed to hit something?
Looking sideways, she met a pair of dark, shiny eyes hiding a doting smile.

"Didn't you go to sleep in the study?"

Lu Sihui frowned and asked Zhou Zixu.

"I can't sleep alone."

Zhou Zixu put one hand on his ear, looked at Lu Sihui with a wide smile, and said this sentence without any shame, making Lu Sihui so angry that he couldn't laugh or cry.

"How old are you, and you still have to sleep with your wife?"

After admonishing him, she mischievously pinched his nose to prevent him from breathing.

Zhou Zixu looked at her dotingly, his smile deepened a bit, he let her pinch his nose, he didn't move away, he didn't breathe with his mouth, his face was flushed, and he didn't move .

Lu Sihui glared at him, then let go of her hand: "Aren't you afraid of suffocating?"

"I'm happy to die at your hands."

Zhou Zixu sat up with a smile, hugged his daughter-in-law into his arms, smelled the fragrance of her hair, and said with a smile.

"Stop, you died in my hands, and I have to pay for your life."

Lu Sihui raised her head in his arms and said something to him with a playful smile.

"Daughter-in-law, I went to the study room last night, but without you, I couldn't sleep. I came back after washing myself inside and out. Smell it, doesn't it smell like sweat or alcohol?"

Zhou Zixu pressed his wife's face to his chest, and said pitifully.

Lu Sihui's face was slightly flushed, his breath was full of masculinity, and his heartbeat was beating like a drum in his ears.

"Are you angry last night?"

Looking up into his dark eyes, he asked with a smile.

"No, Sihui, your pregnancy was very hard. I stayed here to take care of you. Last time you were pregnant, you always had leg cramps in the middle of the night. My heart aches."

Zhou Zixu kissed her smooth forehead and spoke with a smile. There was a hint of hoarseness in his doting voice, and his Adam's apple rolled vigorously, showing that he was suppressing the crazily growing emotions.

"Zixu, no matter whether the baby is male or female, I don't plan to have another one. I can't waste all my time on having a baby. Then the gap between me and you will become wider and wider."

"What? Still want to surpass me?"

(End of this chapter)

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