Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1324 Survival of the Fittest

Chapter 1324 Survival of the Fittest
Zhou Zixu looked at his eldest brother depressedly. They were both at the same level, both at the level of deputy ministers. Who is in charge of the two of them?

The leaders in the stands started to leave. Zhou Baichuan glanced at his youngest son towards the arena, and saw that he looked unconvinced, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised an arc that no one else could see.

Zixu has been a bit too showy recently, it's time to suppress him and let him restrain his edge.

The game ended in a draw, which was beyond everyone's expectations. The integration of this matter made the Iron Blood and Falcon players even more dissatisfied.

That means that some people will not be able to continue to participate in the competition, and those who are taken down are not capable enough.

Who wants to be the one who is not capable enough?
Zhou Zisong furrowed his thick eyebrows, glanced at his younger brother with cold eyes, raised his eyebrows and asked him, "Who are you going to take down in your team?"

He already had the captain's tone, ordering Zhou Zixu to make a decision.

Habit is the one who gives orders, so of course Zixu will not come over and order him.

Zhou Zixu raised one corner of his mouth and sneered: "Brother, why do you have to start with my team members? You can see who in your team needs to be taken down first! Also, who of us will be the vanguard and who will be the center forward?"

In the past, they were absolutely obedient to the elder brother, but now they have become tit for tat.

He doesn't want to take this step back, fair competition, survival of the fittest, this is what he can agree with.

"Look at the level."

Zhou Zisong's thick eyebrows were furrowed even tighter. Why is the younger brother sincerely confronting him?

He wants to fight for a pioneer?Based on his experience, winning today was just a fluke.

"Okay, then let's go home and continue to finish today's game."

Zhou Zixu challenged his eldest brother, then turned around proudly, without giving Zhou Zisong a chance to answer, he turned and left.

"Sihui, you didn't get the first place, are you disappointed?"

After returning to Falcon, Zhou Zixu found Lu Sihui. He seemed a little depressed, mainly because he promised Sihui to come back first, but the result was a draw.

"Not disappointed, you are great."

Lu Sihui gave him a thumbs up with a smile. She played basketball so well when she just learned, what else do you want?
"You have to save face for big brother, don't you?"

She smiled mischievously, Zhou Zixu smiled after hearing this, took her hand, and pecked her on the lips, with a warm smile: "Sihui, your encouragement is the best encouragement for me."

When I got home at night, I found that my eldest brother and my father were both at home. They were sitting on the sofa and didn't know what to talk about?
"Dad, brother."

Zhou Zixu took off his uniform and hung it on the clothes hanger, and raised his hand to greet his father and elder brother.

When Li Yanhong entered the room and saw her husband, there was some concern in her eyes, his face was cold, but in fact he was proud.

Unlike Zixu, who showed arrogance on the surface, in fact, his psychological endurance was still very strong.

Winning or losing doesn't matter as much as it appears.

"Zixu, come here, Dad has something to tell you."

Zhou Baichuan sat majestically on the sofa and had been in the top position for a long time. Even when he talked to his son, he was very serious, as if he was giving orders to his subordinates in the unit.

Zhou Zixu unbuttoned the two buttons on the collar of his shirt, rolled up his sleeves, and walked towards the sofa with straight long legs.

He glanced at the eldest brother next to his father, and he stared at himself with cold eyes, his sitting posture was quite satisfactory, and there was no expression of joy or anger on his face.

Withdrawing his gaze, he sat down comfortably on the sofa, glanced lazily at his father, saw that there was a teapot on the tea table, leaned forward, stretched out his long arms, picked up the teapot and poured water for himself.

Zhou Baichuan frowned at Zixu, disliking his sitting posture.

Zhou Zixu drank a cup of tea, leaned comfortably on the sofa, and spoke lazily. "Dad, I have listened with all my ears, teach me!"

(End of this chapter)

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