Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1326 Who is so good at following?

Chapter 1326 Who is so good at following?

"You guys are not as sensible as a child."

Zhou Baichuan snorted coldly, his majestic cold eyes swept over the two brothers, bent down to pick up his granddaughter, and threw the two brothers into the living room.

"Zixu, Zisong, father and son Bing, why do you two look like enemies?"

Mr. Zhou was also angry. He didn't favor anyone, and he hoped that the two of them could understand the truth that if brothers work together, their benefits can cut through gold.

After he finished speaking, he also left. Lu Sihui and Li Yanhong looked at each other and went to the kitchen together, leaving the living room to the two brothers.

"Zixu, let's go. Big brother won't go back on what he promised you. Dad's words are not what I meant."

Zhou Zisong had a cold and calm face. When he looked at his younger brother, he said something in a deep voice, and walked towards the door first.

"Brother, forget it, I will listen to you."

Zhou Zixu clenched his fists, because his elder brother let go of his words, and reflected in his heart that he had recently taken fame and fortune a little too seriously.

"No, the elder brother is also at fault in this matter. It should be discussed. Let them compete on their own. Those who are capable will stay, and those who are not will have no complaints." Zhou Zisong, who has never said so much. , Uncharacteristically, he first reviewed himself with a high profile.

"Brother, I was also at fault for overestimating fame and fortune."

The two brothers, because of their father's intervention, the previous suspicions were resolved.

Although the other people were not in the living room, they all listened with pricked ears!Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

During the meal, Zhou Baichuan was still sullen, but he was coaxed by the cute swift.

"Grandpa, eat meat."

Little Swift found a piece of meat in the dish, and put it in the grandfather's bowl like a treasure, Zhou Baichuan was amused by the soft voice.

"Thank you baby granddaughter, grandpa won't eat it, give it to my granddaughter."

Lu Sihui glanced at her daughter, who knows how to slip her beard so well?
I am eating!Someone knocked on the door, and Aunt Su got up to open the door. Who could it be at this time?Usually eat at home!

"Grandma, I'm looking for Swift."

A crisp voice came from the door, very polite, it was a child, and he was looking for Little Swift by name.


Zhou Zixu looked at his daughter with a smile. The little girl is not very old, and she knows a lot of people. She has found her home?
Zhou Yuyan ignored her father, jumped off the chair happily, and ran towards the door with her short legs.

Zhou Dongsheng frowned. Seeing his sister running away, he also jumped off the chair and followed her.

"Dongsheng, come back for dinner."

Zhou Zisong's cold voice sounded, Zhou Dongsheng stopped in his tracks, frowning as he watched his sister run to the door.

In the dining room, who is coming from outside the door?

I saw that when Swift saw the person coming, a flower blossomed on her face.

"It is you!"

"I gave cabbage leaves to the rabbit. My grandfather said that little rabbits like to eat cabbage best."

Standing outside the door was Xiao Mingyuan, holding a few cabbage gangs in his hands, he smiled when he saw Swift, and he wasn't that cold little kid.

"Ha, it's your boy."

Zhou Zixu couldn't help being curious, and walked over to accompany his daughter. When he saw clearly that it was Xiao Mingyuan, he laughed and beat him to the bone.

"Hello, uncle."

Xiao Mingyuan covered his forehead, his bright black eyes, after seeing Zhou Zixu, let out the light of admiration, and shouted a little embarrassedly.


Zhou Zixu looked at this thick-headed and thick-headed brat in surprise, with his hand on his chin, calculation flashing in his narrowed peach eyes, thinking about how to train him.

(End of this chapter)

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