Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1329 Like a Little Bitter Wife

Chapter 1329 Like a Little Bitter Wife
Lu Sihui smiled and asked No. [-], why didn't they believe it after they confirmed their relationship?

"Not busy, it's still early!"

No. [-] blushed, and the matter of marriage should not be opened by a woman, right?If Zhao Jinchen didn't mention it, she could only wait.

"Recently, there are a lot of things to do in the competition. Do you two have no time to meet each other? I'll give you two days off. It's time to go on a date."

Lu Sihui looked narrowly at No. 1, with resentment in her eyes, like a little bitch.

"Ah? Is it okay?"

Number one looked at Lu Sihui excitedly, since they established a relationship with Zhao Jinchen, they have met once.

Still left in a hurry, a major case occurred in S City, and Jin Chen was transferred back urgently.

A woman in love wants to be with her lover every minute, and she is no exception.

"Of course, you can go now and come back the day after tomorrow."

As the vice-captain of the training team, Lu Sihui still has the right to give her subordinates a holiday.


No. [-] saluted excitedly, and added in a low voice: "Sihui, thank you."

"Go quickly, I'll talk to Zixu."

Lu Sihui shook her head and smiled when she saw the coquettish and shy side of her little daughter's family that No. 1 rarely showed.

No. 13 on the training ground looked at No. [-] with a depressed expression. He had liked her for two years, and in the end, she still didn't belong to him.

The family hurriedly urged him, saying that it was time to go back to the blind date because they wanted to show off a girl.

After leaving the unit on the [-]st, Xing went to the city in a hurry, went to the department store to buy milk powder, cakes, cigarettes, and liquor for Zhao Yaozu, and walked to Zhao's house with big bags and small bags. She wanted to give Jin Chen a surprise .

When we arrived at Kaoshantun, we could see a lot of people surrounded by the door of Zhao's house from a distance, it was noisy as if there were women crying.

Impatiently, she quickened her pace, pushed away the people surrounding her, and squeezed inside.

"Anyway, this child stays here. Her father is dead, and we have no obligation to support her."

Squeezing into the crowd, I saw an elderly, but well-dressed old lady, with her hips on her hips, shouting loudly at Zhou Guifang.

Looks full of confidence, is a quarrel veteran.

There was a little girl on the ground, as thin as a hemp stick, with a thin neck supporting a big head, and her hair was messed up like a bird's nest.

His face was dirty, like a little tabby cat, he hadn't washed his face for a long time, his nose was hanging under his nose and no one wiped it, his clothes were tattered, like a beggar.

At this time, the child was crying loudly there, looking at the old lady pitifully, with timid eyes, as if he was particularly afraid of her.

"Why? This child's surname is Zhou, not Zhao? My daughter is dead, so I have to raise a child for your Zhou family?"

Zhou Guifang was so angry that she trembled all over, she didn't dare to see the child, as long as she saw it, her heart would soften, it doesn't matter if the child is left behind, will the two sons still find a wife?No child left, seeing her life so miserable, my heart feels like a knife, after all, she is a granddaughter with a blood relationship, so I can't bear to see her so miserable.

"Are you still human? She is your granddaughter, do you have the heart to abuse her like this?"

Zhao Yaozu was so angry that he wanted to hit someone, but the other party came to a woman. He couldn't justify it with a big man, so he could only get angry.

"It's useless to say these things. Who knows if this dead girl is a bastard? Our Zhou family doesn't want it! Anyway, your girl is born, so if you don't want it, just throw it away!"

After she finished speaking, she squeezed out of the crowd, leaving the poor little girl alone, and the villagers squeezed her out.

"Oh, I beat someone to death and bullied someone."

She simply sat down on the ground, patted her thigh like a butcher, crying and threatening.

"Don't leave, I will ask my son to find the police to arrest you."

(End of this chapter)

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