Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1335 Preemption succeeded

Chapter 1335 Preemption succeeded

"Good idea, brother, I'm done washing, you continue."

Zhou Zixu put the towel on his shoulders, smiled charmingly at his elder brother, and successfully seized it.

After he left, Zhou Zisong looked at the dripping water, and suddenly thought of it, obviously he came to take a shower first, but when Zixu came, he occupied the shower head, so he finished the shower first?
Shaking his head funny, his brother!Do you even want to grab this from yourself?
Zhou Zixu left the bathroom and looked at the sofa in the living room. Sihui and his sister-in-law had already returned to the room, leaving Swift and Dongsheng playing with building blocks.

The corners of his mouth turned up in joy, the daughter-in-law was downstairs, and the daughter-in-law belonged to him alone.

Taking big strides, she ran upstairs, seeing the door of her room closed tightly, does Sihui still want him to sleep in the study tonight?

The smile on his face disappeared, he frowned and stretched out his hand to push the door, exhaled, but luckily it was unlocked.

Seeing Sihui sitting in front of the desk, holding a pen and writing straight, the smile on the corner of her mouth is getting stronger, her star-like eyes are staring at the profile of her daughter-in-law, the light is softly shining, her drooping eyelids cover her face. Those clear water eyes.

He walked over, put his hands casually behind her chair, put his face close to her cheek, pressed his thin lips next to her ear, and asked with a light smile.

"Sihui, what are you writing?"

The soft voice, with a hint of laziness, accompanied by his magnetic voice, listening to it at night can make people's heart tremble.

As he approached, the smell of soap after the shower, mixed with the powerful hormonal breath on his body, rushed into Lu Sihui's breath.

"Writing a list."

Lu Sihui looked at him solemnly, the corners of her mouth raised a gentle arc, and she licked her lips as she spoke, making her already cherry-red lips even more attractive, like cherries with dewdrops, sending an invitation to Zhou Zixu .

【Eat me!super sweet~]

Zhou Zixu smiled charmingly, his three-dimensional facial features became more vivid because of his smile, and the hot flames in his eyes seemed to gushe out immediately.

The eyelids were lowered, and the long eyelashes blocked the emotion in his eyes. The hormonal breath on his body became more intense, and he was emotional. This smell was very familiar to Lu Sihui.

She raised her hand to push against his chest, her eyebrows were furrowed, and her watery eyes glared at him angrily.

"Don't make trouble."

"Looking at my daughter-in-law is a very serious matter, and I didn't make trouble."

Zhou Zixu's smile grew stronger, his big hands with well-articulated joints powerfully shackled Lu Sihui's dishonest neck, and his thin lips pouted on her smooth forehead, with a hint of coolness.

"You bathed in cold water again?"

Lu Sihui frowned and pushed him away, wondering why he used cold water when hot water was available.

Just installed the shower head, as a decoration?

"Well, turn off the fire."

Zhou Zixu replied in a hoarse voice, the flames in his eyes burning even hotter.

Lu Sihui touched his cheek distressedly, jealous that his skin was better than women's, and he didn't need to apply any cosmetics. There was no light wave beauty treatment, and even under the wind and sun, he didn't look much darker.

Reluctant to let him always use cold water to reduce the fire, whispered to him, "Always bathe in cold water and hurt your body."

"It's okay, I'm used to it, what are you writing?"

Zhou Zixu was overjoyed, he held her cheek and swallowed hard, put one hand on the back of the chair to embrace Sihui, and put the other hand on the table.

Sihui is like being held in his arms, his powerful breath is almost pervasive, the hot breath sprayed on her hair, the resolute chin with a little beard stubble rests on her shoulders, and her face naturally sticks to her shoulders. Together.

With such an ambiguous posture, coupled with his lazy and indulgent voice, Lu Sihui's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and her breathing became a little heavy.

"Your heart beats so fast!"

(End of this chapter)

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